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My Top 10 PS1 Games

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  • 10. Vastly improved from the first one. Good vehicle physics and damage modeling. Could have used more modes but for the time, both racing and destruction modes were very fun.

  • 9. From the original designers of Twisted Metal. Very fun gameplay, cool characters, cars and levels as well.

  • 8. Classic series continues with Nemesis who chases you through the whole game!

  • 7. The original, where it all started. Driving all the different vehicles and interesting missions made this a great game. Top it off with invincibility and all guns codes made this fun for hours.

  • 6. Expanded on the first game with slightly better visuals and faction system.

  • 5. The original cop chase game, trying to escape from the police never got old.

  • 4. An all-time classic.

  • 3. A huge improvement over the original. Cool level design for the time and goofy over the top animated cut scenes make for great fun.

  • 2. Another improved game over it's predecessor with vastly expanded race events and better visuals. Sunk a lot of time into this game.

  • 1. My favorite game of the original PlayStation. Super dark and creepy as hell themes.