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My Top 10 N64 Games

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  • 10. Mediocre-ly reviewed but decent racing game using RC cars. Not the easiest game in the world as the physics vary from car to car but realistic in the way RC cars control. Graphics still hold up too.

  • 9. Another widely viewed mediocre game. The N64 seemed to have a lot of those, haha. Visuals weren't great and the levels were small but it did have pretty fun multiplayer game, which the N64 is also known for.

  • 8. I continue with more mediocrity that's strangely appealing. So same story here. Blah visuals but fun gameplay kept me coming back to DD64. Plus, I have a bias towards any and all DD games. I just always find them fun.

  • 7. Ok, quality starts to pick up here. These AKI wrestling games were great along with World Tour. Music wasn't great but the gameplay was and actually had the wrestler's move sets and somewhat real to life entrances...somewhat.

  • 6. I remember blowing my top when this was announced. Same engine as Revenge. Everyone knows why this was the best wrestling game ever up to this point...Create-a-Wrestler.

  • 5. THQ continues with essentially an updated version of Wrestlemania 2000. Revised career mode and an added Create-a-Belt option.

  • 4. The iconic game that put FPS' on the map. Great gameplay, fun missions and oooo that multiplayer.

  • 3. Still fun to play to this day with friends.

  • 2. Another Home Run for the Mario franchise.

  • 1. IMO took Goldeneye to a whole 'nother level and another hit for Rare. Very fun single player and lots of weapons/gadgets to use. Multiplayer was still the bread and butter here but added NPC players with varying difficulty, options and challenges. Plus savable stats and your own player options and skins.