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My 2022 games i played

This has been a weird year for me . the start of the year felt sorta weak heck for the longest time i didn't think my stops would shift , but when i sat down to rejigg the order n thought about the year that i felt it was actually a pretty good year. its also the first year i've been able to average a game a week for the year having beaten 53 games so far as of typing this 12/19/2022. needless to say its a stupid goal but makes me feel accomplished in some way. Anyway here are all the games released in 2022 i played ranked.

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  • I'm happy the full release was this yr , i didn't expect to fall for it the way i did considering how simple it is but here we are.

  • Not many games make me cry, and dispite the fact that i didn't think i had much of a real connection to the characters who caused that moment for me vs kinda just going along with things feeling a bit stuck having to deal with them it wasn't till my sleepers ending that i realized how connected with said characters i was n it just hit me at that end moment.

  • i didn't expect to have this where it is on my list , but honestly something really did it for me unlike the other 3rd person action games i played this yr , sure it might have some faults but i'm really happy with it.

  • For the longest time i didn't think this would budge from my top spot but ~6 months out from when i beat it i just don't go back to it even tho i loved it in the moment , it made a obvious choice bumping it down . Its alot like the first game and i liked that first game a ton too.

  • i'm not too suprised i liked this game so much as how much i enjoyed playing this game , the who done it wasn't really it for me so much as being in that world with the characters , its not even the characters themselves that hit so much as the tone of the ppl so much. its hard to explain but ppl should just play it.

  • This was the most fun i had with a pokemon game since gold/silver which were my first , it looked ugly as hell and the trees bothered the fuck out of me and i'm happy i played it in an emulator.

  • Another narrative game that i honestly really liked in the moment and i think its worth playing because choices , i told my fiancee he should play it but sadly he had no interest , a shame cause i wanted to watch.

  • Its MH , i played it with my fiancee at pc release till credits , we had ment to go back n play more when sunbreak dropped but i never did , i didn't Love how they split the single vs mp quests up compared to world i think i would have played more f it was different.

  • Its a fine game , i really loved the first , sadly i did not like this entry as much , open world burnout? idk cause gow:ragnarok had that 1 bigger area that made me happy to run around in it , so weaker of the 2 sony big ones this yr for me still i'll probably play that sequel when it happens idk.

  • Great little game the really did it for me at the time but only just makes the cut for me in the end, plenty of ppl have sung its praise and its well deserved i loved that little book/manual thing it had going , hopefully they do something just as good next time.

  • Play it ,its a great little game it almost made top 10 , if i think to hard it could still have made it rejigging.

  • Its cool , i enjoyed it in the moment and the story was alright n humorous in moments .

  • I'm a sucker for this style of game tho i think its the weaker of the entries i've played

  • I never really played a kirby game apart from a lvl or 2 of epic yarn before , i beat it in a night , it was good.

  • It was Fine , i expected more than i got from it .

  • Literally forgot to add this to the txt doc i kept for goty games this yr , looking at this list after typing out the rest below it i guess i'll plop it here? i liked hospital better.

  • It was fine little cute game but the magic wore off after a few levels.

  • i really liked it but the narrative just kinda ended , what i played of a fest demo made me buy it at release and i was disappointed , good bones but really expected better story-wise

  • Felt rather dull but i kinda stopped reading alot of of after a while.

  • I spent way too much time with this game in a love hate sorta way , still got alot of podcast miles out of it.

  • Grindy as fuck , avoid it , its not That fun , looked better watching someone else play.

  • this game had alot of charm at the start of it . but sadly thats gone after a handful of hours n like the above turns into a grindy slog of a game. at 86 hours i edited my save for rep so save myself what would have either been 10 more hours of busywork at least or me just letting my shops try to get rep up with me just fast forwarding each day by sleeping it away just to trigger main quests to see the lack luster ending... not fun.