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    Tsuyoshi Sekito

    Person » credited in 22 games

    A Japanese video game composer, arranger and musician. He joined Konami in 1989 and worked on various titles before joining Squaresoft (Square-Enix) in 1995. He is also the lead guitarist for the rock group The Black Mages.

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    The Black Mages

    Sekito and fellow Square Enix employee Kenichiro Fukui worked together on All Star Wrestling and from that success worked together on some rock arrangements of Final Fantasy music.  They showed the songs to Nobuo Uematsu and Shortly thereafter the three musicians formed a rock band together called the "The Black Mages" in 2002.   They have released three albums thus far all consisting of various Final Fantasy songs.  The Black Mages have expanded their roster to also include  Keiji Kawamori, Michio Okamiya, and Arata Hanyuda. 

     The Black Mages
     The Black Mages

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