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Giant Bomb Review


Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Review

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Jedi: Fallen Order is both one of the best Star Wars games to date and distressingly unrefined.

Cere has an axe to grind with the Empire, and for good reason.
Cere has an axe to grind with the Empire, and for good reason.

Respawn's named-by-marketing Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a game that impresses and frustrates in almost equal measure. Here's an ambitious third-person action game that tells an engaging and at times moving story set five years after the events of Revenge of the Sith, when the Jedi Order was purged and the Republic gave way to the Empire. Rather than merely emulating the linear cinematic action of an Uncharted but with droids and lightsabers, Fallen Order makes an earnest effort to blend the usual ledge-climbing and flashy set pieces with simplified versions of the combat and progression from Dark Souls and the ability-based exploration of a Metroid. On paper, these elements add up to one of the most elaborate and original Star Wars games in a very long time, but poor performance, a multitude of minor bugs, and a pervasive sense that swaths of the game are just lacking in refinement all undermine what would otherwise be an easy game to recommend.

Unsurprisingly, Fallen Order assumes a familiarity with all six of the original Star Wars films and situates itself squarely between the two trilogies, drawing far more influence from the prequels than any of the movies produced under Disney's imprimatur so far. Cal Kestis was but a wee padawan when Order 66 directed the Republic's clone troopers to slaughter their Jedi commanders, and since that time he's grown into a young man while working as a lowly scrapper on a junk planet and doing his best to evade the Empire's attention. When a life-or-death accident forces him to use his latent Jedi powers, Cal invites the wrath of the Imperial inquisitors tasked with hunting down the remaining Jedi "traitors," and before long he finds himself on the run with Cere, a lapsed Jedi herself with a vague past and a burning desire to restore the vanquished order, and her pilot Greez, a gruff four-armed alien that comes off sort of like a neurotic New York cabbie. The spry little droid BD-1, who hitches a ride on Cal's shoulder and acts like a skeleton key for any technical obstacles you run into, also becomes a pretty endearing character in its own right.

The ensuing quest sends you in pursuit of a MacGuffin-ish object and involves stock video game tropes like a trio of ancient tombs and the lost knowledge of a vanished civilization, but that generic setup is merely a backdrop to the real story, which is largely about revealing and attempting to heal the lingering wounds inflicted on the game's characters by the devastation of the Clone Wars and the Republic's collapse. Cal and Cere get the bulk of the screentime here, but there's depth to nearly all the supporting characters, even the primary antagonist; the oppressive reign of the Empire has been cruel to all of them, and each is desperately searching for purpose, redemption, vengeance or power in a harsh and chaotic galaxy. The game has a good grasp of the larger-than-life, mythical themes that underpin Star Wars, and for my money touches on a couple of The Last Jedi's ideas in particular with more coherence and subtlety than that movie did. In particular, Fallen Order specializes in flashbacks and dream sequences, so often the tedious bane of good video game storytelling. Here, Respawn uses the game's technology to play around with shifting environments and a blend of past, present, and future in clever and evocative ways that feel unique and help sell the story's themes and personal drama. It's refreshing just to get a glimpse of this little-seen era of Star Wars in the first place, let alone with such great writing, acting, and narrative technique.

Cal and friends end up in some far-flung locales in their fight against the Empire.
Cal and friends end up in some far-flung locales in their fight against the Empire.

Fallen Order gives you command of Greez's humble ship the Mantis, which you use to navigate at will between roughly half a dozen planets as the story introduces them. While Cal's friends repeatedly signal in a slightly rote fashion that you're free to go wherever, whenever, there's really only ever one plot-relevant destination at a time, so you're better off simply following the objective indicator for the first few hours. The game's non-linear element comes into play once you start earning the standard Force powers like push and pull, which in addition to helping in combat will also give you access to new territory on the planets you've already visited. This is where the Metroid influence comes in, though it's as if Metroid slapped a big flashing neon sign on all of its hidden secrets. The game's elaborate 3D maps plaster glowing colored signposts on every point in the environment where exploration is or will become possible; if you see red, it means "Hey, you can't access this yet. Come back when it turns green." Even unexplored routes without any ability gating are marked with big flashing yellow indicators, so there's rarely any mystery about where you have or haven't been, although the larger multi-level maps are a little too busy to be easily parsed, and getting around the bigger locations before you've unlocked all the traversal abilities and with no fast travel can occasionally feel like a cumbersome chore.

In a game where I just wanted to move the story along and see what there is to see, I actually appreciated how blatant the map makes progression for the most part, though the value of the side content you're going back to find will largely be subjective, since the bulk of it consists of small areas containing minor collectibles like costume variations and snippets of lore. The game did make use of backtracking in a couple of more interesting ways that I encountered, though. In one case, I went back to explore an early planet on a lark and stumbled onto an extremely valuable combat upgrade-slash-piece of fan service with no real fanfare. Information from Respawn suggests all players will get that upgrade later on in the story in a different location, but finding it early and on my own initiative was frankly one of the more delightful moments I had playing the game. In another case, one seemingly minor pathway led to an entire crashed Star Destroyer that I spent an hour poking around in, solving puzzles and picking up little bits of contextual story and a couple of upgrades. The game tends to hide healing upgrades and Force and health meter extensions in these larger side areas, so there's at least some mechanical incentive to go back and look around. Fallen Order isn't a short game even if you blaze through the critical path, but poking around all these side areas was a big part of the appeal for me and led me to spend what felt like at least 30 hours with the game. All games should really start including hour counters though.

In true Star Wars fashion, there's more going on behind the mask than you might think.
In true Star Wars fashion, there's more going on behind the mask than you might think.

Some fuss has been made prior to release about Fallen Order's resemblance to Dark Souls, though the comparison turns out to be somewhat superficial. The loop upon arriving on a new planet is straightforward: explore the ancient tombs or jungle or Imperial dig site along a mostly linear path, unlock a few shortcuts that will let you skip a lot of that traversal the second time around, and press on to the next story beat. The game's bonfire stand-in is the meditation point, where you rest to cash in experience points on lightsaber moves, Force powers, and survivability, and also have the option of restoring your health and stim packs (the Estus flask equivalent) while respawning all the enemies you've killed. Reappearing enemies make contextual sense in Dark Souls and Bloodborne, which take place in lonely, dead worlds that exist somewhat out of time, where fighting the same fights over and over lends itself to the purgatorial feeling those games try to evoke. I found it a little odd to run into the same combat encounters over and over in a more traditional linear, narrative-driven game like Fallen Order, and the game itself seems to agree to an extent, since it plays fast and loose with which enemies do respawn and which ones don't as dictated by the events of the story. Still, Respawn deserves credit for drawing on multiple influences in this game and coming up with a welcome change of pace from the typical by-the-numbers licensed action game.

Fallen Order's combat is also a sort of Dark Souls-lite thing where you can lock onto enemies by clicking the right stick, and you and most melee enemies each have a block meter that needs to be whittled down with repeated strikes or well timed counters before you can get in and do some actual damage. Then the block meter refills on the stronger enemies and you do the whole thing once or twice more. (Any attempt at making your lightsaber as instantly deadly as it appears in the films goes right out the window in an attempt to provide the player an actual challenge.) There are plenty of Stormtroopers shooting straight up guns at you as well, though they're much more easily dealt with since the game is generous about letting you reflect projectiles right back at whoever shot them. Fallen Order certainly doesn't rise to a FromSoftware-like level of challenge, but it's tough enough that you'll need to get at least a basic grasp on dodging, parrying, and using Force powers to control groups of enemies, many of whom are protected by block meters and also have unblockable attacks themselves (which are thankfully signaled well in advance). The combat is usually at least serviceable and often even satisfying, though it doesn't have quite the elegant feel of a Souls game, where controls and character animations and visual feedback all harmonize to give you a sublime, instinctual connection to the challenge you're facing. The combat here also tends to collapse under its own weight and become a little annoying to manage when it throws you into encounters of six or eight enemies up close with even more shooting at you from off to the side.

There are of course climbing sequences and sliding sequences and scripted boss fights and the other sort of fluff you expect in a game with cinematic inspirations, and Fallen Order also provides the occasional reasonably clever puzzle-solving in some of the more dungeon spelunking-style areas. While none of these component parts quite rise to the level of the more focused games that inspire them, they mix well enough to be fun and engaging for the entirety of the lengthy run time, especially while propelled by the impressive quality of the storytelling. Where Fallen Order tragically falters is in that classically nebulous category, polish. Perhaps most glaringly, all versions of the game have a form of fairly severe stuttering that seems to happen when you move from area to area--presumably when the game is trying to load in new level assets--that causes the performance to slow to a crawl for a few seconds every time you run more than a couple of minutes in any direction. In a few places it also suffers badly, worse than I've seen in a while, from the Unreal Engine tendency to load in scenery and textures too slowly to keep up with the camera, and I actually saw textures unload and then load back in briefly in one scene.

Get ready to do a lot of parrying before you can take down enemies like this.
Get ready to do a lot of parrying before you can take down enemies like this.

Moreover, I ran into a multitude of minor bugs and unrefined elements too numerous to list here, but among them were a particular enemy type that I repeatedly caught in what looked like the quadrupedal-alien version of a T-pose, enemies disengaging and running away from me in the middle of a fight or "seeing" me and activating through a closed door (including, in the latter case, the game's last boss), a few unreliable interactions between Cal and traversal elements like zip lines and balance beams, a glitchy camera angle on respawn in the middle of a hectic action sequence, a number of erratic animations and some missing environmental sound effects, and a glaring bug where I was unable to wall run on the very first wall in the wall running tutorial. That last one happened on both PS4 and Xbox. To be clear, any one or two or even half a dozen of these quibbles wouldn't even be worth mentioning here, but they were pervasive enough to start chipping away at the experience I was having with what's otherwise a really enjoyable game, and they're particularly hard to ignore coming from companies as big as EA and Disney, and in a franchise as hallowed as Star Wars. As neither a game developer nor a member of Respawn I certainly can't pretend to know what led to the game shipping in this state, though the impending release of The Rise of Skywalker and the peak of the holiday shopping season are hard to ignore. My layman's impression is simply that the game would have benefited from a few more months in production. These problems can't be a surprise to anyone who made and tested this game, but of course time is what's required to actually fix them.

That's what frustrates me about Jedi: Fallen Order: It's good enough that its host of technical problems feels like an affront to what the game could have been, and to the hard work and talent--and there's a considerable amount of talent here--of the people who made it. Actually, looking back at the long history of Star Wars video games, the last time someone attempted a character-driven game in this franchise was The Force Unleashed II, and that was almost a decade ago. And I can't find another Star Wars game in the decades before that which brings together so many different elements and tells a unique story with as much gravity as this one. Now it's up to EA to give Respawn the chance to hammer out as many of these annoying imperfections as it can via post-release updates, and allow Jedi: Fallen Order to take its rightful place in the pantheon of all-time great Star Wars games.

Brad Shoemaker on Google+


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Edited By Demonsoul

@brad I watched this review drop the metacritic score from 90 to 82 (PS4) and 85 (PC).

Please play through the entire game on PC and update your review. The PC version deserves 4 out of 5 stars IMHO based on my current play through. The console versions deserve 3 stars but not the PC version.

Steam store still shows 90 metacritic. They are taking their sweet time to update it so it doesn‘t impact their sales. LOL

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@demonsoul: When a game is plagued with technical issues and bugs it doesn’t deserve 5 stars

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So a 4 star game but 3 due to the technical issues that are there at this moment, (not a dis, review without the tech issues reads like a 4 star game)

Definitely will wait for a sale or for the all clear that most of these issues got fixed.

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If time was a factor in this product's release, it's a damn shame because this could have been a killer game right out of the gate.

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I'm curious what Brad would rate the game if it didn't have all those bugs. I haven't encountered any glitches yet but the frame rate drops are rough (ps4pro). I also find it interesting that this game takes a hit for technical issues while Death Stranding took a hit for story telling and pay off which feels a little too opinionated on a rating scale for me but great review as always Brad and I hope the game sells well because I would love to see another star wars game from Respawn where they get a bit more time and try some more new ideas :) the story is fantastic and they tell a better story than I think any of the new films have so far.

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Edited By zabian227

Thanks Brad, I enjoyed reading your review! I'm really happy to see Giant Bomb doing reviews like this for the big games of the year. I feel like nothing ever stops you from using your full scale and I love it!

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Oof a 60% metacritic score

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'imprimatur' - My new word of the day.

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Happy to confirm that the game is just in a really sad state. When the plot and characters get to it, it's really easy to get immersed in the story... but so much just feels like it was pushed out too early. Like the gross motion blur effect used on Cal when you plunge attack, or how you can't see when a move will be unblockable on an enemy that is holding your exp.

The bugs are tolerable if you like Star Wars, but best to wait to see if they can iron out all the wrinkles.

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So I’m not sure if the day one patch helped or if it’s because I’m on Xbox One X but I haven’t encountered any jank yet. There have been a few instances where the frame rate dropped a few frames but for the most part it’s been a pretty smooth 30fps. No bugs or T-posing so far.

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I definitely didn't expect a lack of technical refinement from a Respawn game. EA has a horrible reputation with forcing games out the door in an unfinished state (see also: Mass Effect games) but I felt like there wouldn't be that much of a rush to put this game out at this specific time. Even with a new film coming out. Perhaps I was wrong.

In any case, I hope they can fix the worst issues in due time.

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Don't usually like comparing reviews, but I thought it was notable that neither IGN or Gamespot mentioned bugs or glitches in their reviews. So I thought maybe Brad just had a bad experience. But, it sounds like Mike Mahardy had the same experience as Brad and Digital Foundry's preview also showed the game to be rough. So now I'm sitting here wondering, do sites like IGN and Gamespot not mention bugs because they figure the will be patched out? Like, it feels like their saying "We'll give a 9 because we know it will be fixed."

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I was pretty excited for this game, and hearing about it is a bit of a bummer. There seems to be very, very good game underneath the technical issues – but those still need a lot of work it seems. Hopefully the game gets a few good patches in the next few weeks...I'd love for Respawn to be able to build on this game in meaningful sequels.

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@demonsoul: When a game is plagued with technical issues and bugs it doesn’t deserve 5 stars

I'm still fairly early in I think but I'm just past where Brad was on the QL and the game has run flawlessly for me on PC thus far.

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Playing on PC with a RTX 2060. This is legit the best looking game I've ever played. I did notice some framerate slowdown in areas of the map but doesn't sound anywhere near as severe as consoles. Man the lighting on the light saber in dark environments is outrageously pretty. Not sure if I'll finish the game but I got my moneys worth in the first 5 hours. That money being a month of premiere Origin access that I also got to play the new Need for Speed with. Best gaming 20 bucks I have maybe ever spent.

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I'm still really excited for the game, but this is exactly why I don't buy games on day one anymore. Hopefully a couple of title updates will get this right as rain by early next year.

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Sad to hear this game is a technical mess. I was looking forward to it and I’d still like to play it if they get the chance to clean it up.

Also, really great to see written reviews back on the site!

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I’m a bit into it on a PS4 regular and I haven’t run into any issues of note thus far! I really am enjoying it as a big Star Wars fan.

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Good read, Brad. I wonder how much of the game's bug-iness will be addressed.

Hopefully there's been some significant improvements by the time I get around to playing this. Technical issues aside, this seems like it's up my alley.

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@chendeezy: Maybe turn off motion blur if you don't like it.
Enemies blink red, it's pretty hard to miss.

While I'm only about 8 hours in on the PC I haven't experienced any noticeable bugs including the things Brad brought up.

I'm using a 6 year old I-5, a launch Asus GTX1080 and a 3 year old 7200rpm mechanical drive I've got the game running at max settings, 1080p and I'm getting 60fps. Nothing about that would indicate a "sad state".

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@xgryfter: Appreciate you trying to help, but turning off motion doesn't remove this effect. It's the low-rent blur they use for force slow.

Enemies do not flash red whilst being gold from holding exp. It is why I specified.

Glad you're enjoying a bug free experienc

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Having played 3ish hours today on ps4 pro (not in performance mode), I'd say the day one patch must've done a lot of good. Aside from a few minor platforming issues I haven't had anything that I would classify as a technical issue.

In a year where I played Sekiro and Nioh the combat doesn't really hang, but it's good enough. Crowd control is occasionally rough.

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Edited By dolsande

I'm playing on the One X and I am noticing the jank (pop ins, geometry glitches, abilities not firing off correctly). I think it's a 4 star game, with teh caveat that I'm only about 1/3 (ish) of the way through I think.

edit - had a hard crash right at the completion of a lengthy boss fight. That sucked. Still a good game.

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Edited By xGryfter

@chendeezy said:

@xgryfter: Appreciate you trying to help, but turning off motion doesn't remove this effect. It's the low-rent blur they use for force slow.

Enemies do not flash red whilst being gold from holding exp. It is why I specified.

Glad you're enjoying a bug free experienc

I guess I haven't been killed yet (I didn't even realize, lol)... I didn't even know they kept experience or glowed. I'll have to keep an eye out.

While the blur doesn't bug me (Maybe it looks better on the PC?) not liking it is a matter of aesthetic opinion and it still doesn't mean it's in a "sad state" it just means you don't like a graphical decision they made.

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Edited By Kiyoshi3

I'm playing on a pretty beefy pc with 2080ti and the game is installed on a nvme drive and I'm not getting half the tech issues that people are talking about so I wonder if it has to do with slow drive in consoles

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Really well written, I think this deserves the 3 stars, without them it's obvious a 4 star game.

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I'm just here to say Debra Wilson rules! She was awesome in COD as well this year, was pretty cool seeing here again here.

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@kiyoshi3: What settings are you running at? I’m probably going to pick this up and have the same card.

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Youch, I hope we get some solid patches. Seems like a really cool game that deserves to be experienced as smoothly as possible.

As far as tech issues, this year seems to be worse than usual between platforms. Seeing Control dip into the teens on base consoles, and the rough Bloodstained Switch port... it'a a shame when a solid game gets held back like this.

And as I say on every written review, I love written reviews on GB.

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I've played about four hours on PC today, and while I have encountered some small bugs, the performance has been my biggest complaint. I have resource monitors open on my second display, and the game will frequently chug or even occasionally stall while my CPU/GPU are at 60-80% usage. I had hoped I'd be able to do as Jeff surmised on the Bombcast and just "power through" the performance issues the consoles experience, but it seems like there's a different underlying problem. The game does look fantastic, though, when it's not turning into a slideshow.

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Edited By HadesTimes

"Possibly the best story of the year." Brad in the Quick Look....

Review comes out 3 stars....

Guess the rest of the game is hot garbage. Lol

Seriously though, I hope this isn't based on the game being buggy. Because that's kind of a nitpick at this point. I know in a perfect world all games would come out 100% polished and wonderful. But I don't think that has been the case since the second year the XBOX 360 was out.

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3s definitely a little low for me but I also haven't run into anything like the bugs listed here. Can only review the experience you end up having.

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Excellent review!! haven't had any issues on PC. running smooth at 1080p epic settings 130 FPS average (i7-9700k +RTX 2070S). The game looks gorgeous and plays really well.

The game gives me strong prince of persia (2008) vibes for some weird reason.

The running animation is the best :D

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@mrfluke: Get a month of origin access and play it. I doubt you'll need the entire month and it has no extra content that I know of so the story is pretty much it.

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Edited By rebellion91

@hadestimes: Video games, for a lot of us, are an escape. Having a good story and feeling yourself getting immersed in the world only to be jerked out of it because the wheels stop spinning is far from a "nit-pick". Those bugs feel especially bad in a game like this. It's the same reason many people can't get behind Fallout style games. They build a world full of NPC's and immersion then you watch someone get thrown through a mountain or a quest bug out because you pushed someone 4 pixels to the left.

I can guarantee if I was playing this game and they were happening as frequently as Brad mentioned in the review I wouldn't be immersed. I would be pissed I bought this before it was $20 and several patches down the road.

Having the first tutorial for a wall run break is not a small "nit-pick" bug. Having not only heard from this review but several others means it's not a small problem.

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@mostman: everything is at ultra at 1440p so far it hasn't dropped below 60 once

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"But I haven't seen X problem" is one of the most useless, if not THE most useless comments someone can make on a review specifically mentioning X problem. It's especially egregious considering this is written by someone with decades of experience in games, a legit reputation, and someone who actually played the game in a specific state. If you're not having problems, good for you....other people are. It's 2019, please absorb that and move forward understanding it better, yes?

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Great piece of writing, Brad. Might wait and see if they do a big patch before I get this.

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Great review. This sounds like a game that would just piss me off. Glad I skipped it.

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Edited By MacEG

Brad nailed it: "On paper, these elements add up to one of the most elaborate and original Star Wars games in a very long time, but poor performance, a multitude of minor bugs, and a pervasive sense that swaths of the game are just lacking in refinement all undermine what would otherwise be an easy game to recommend."

Combat is more Sekiro than Dark Souls imo if we're talking From Software. Maybe I got into the visual language of Sekiro more but it's not 100% apparent when I can straight up murder someone after breaking their guard. Also, a nightmare for specific colorblind people. (Again Sekiro using yellows I think made me appreciate it more.)

Playing on PC. The game is incredible but MAN it's extremely buggy for me. Not texture pop in type stuff. 4fps during certain fights if Nvidia overlay is correct (arena battle was near impossible to play through). Playing on a 1060 720p with medium/low settings. Save game progress corruption. (That happened early on but the pucker factor is still real 12ish hours in.) Got stuck on geometry MANY times just running through a level.

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im generally much more forgiving on technical issues, especially these days with patches. haven't had any serious issues in my playthrough so far but it feels great to play and the story is intriguing so far. ive been playing on the xbox one x.

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@stanleypain: Brad is describing issues he had in a pre-release environment. If the vast majority of people report no such issues after launch, that's an extremely valid and helpful field report for people potentially interested in playing this game. We live in the era of patches. If those reports aren't good enough for you, perhaps you never wanted to play the game in the first place.

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Who the HELL thought these sliding sections would be an acceptable thing to put into a AAA video game in the year of our Lord 2019? Seriously, WTF?

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Beat the game and didn't have many of the bad performance issues or bugs, was feeling like a 4 star game. But then the ending happened and without specifics it was such a huge anti-climax and disappointment that the ending alone pumped it down to 3 stars for me too.

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Edited By bronsthermonster

@jimmyoct87 said:

Great piece of writing, Brad. Might wait and see if they do a big patch before I get this.

Enthusiastic +1 There’s so many good quotables there, though I’m especially delighted by the:

These problems can't be a surprise to anyone who made and tested this game, but of course time is what's required to actually fix them.

It‘s just a refreshing take. It almost demands a dev’s response.


I’ve been following a lot of this crew since Gamespot - I LOVE your written game reviews, please keep them alive!

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@stanleypain: It's not "useless" unless you are using it to shit on the person in question. A reviewers experience is still ultimately singular, it is helpful to see exactly how widespread issues like that seem to be.

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@stanleypain: It’s not at all useless when the reviewer played the game in a pre-release state and there was a day one patch in which the entirety of the patch notes are “Stability improvements and bug fixes.” In my comment I specifically pointed out that the day one patch might have fixed the aforementioned problems.