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  • Zeeman155 posted a message on the post Rat cube (Diamond is Unbreakable 08).

    Only music reference this week is the Rat's Stand "Ratt" after the heavy metal band of the same name.Speaking on the flashback scene: there are writers that meticulously plan ideas or a great at retr...

  • Zeeman155 posted a message on the post The island where you get small (Diamond is Unbreakable 07).

    This week's music references:- The Baby's Stand is called Achtung Baby based on the album by U2. Also after being adopted is named Shizuka Joestar.- Rohan's Stand Heaven's Door is named after Bob Dyla...

  • Zeeman155 posted a message on the post Addicted to the shindig (Diamond is Unbreakable 06).

    The episodes musical references:The Stand "Red Hot Chili Peppers" - it's Red Hot Chili PeppersAkira (Pearl Jam's stand user) is modeled after Kenji Ohstuki, a Japanese rock musician. Perhaps this help...

  • Zeeman155 posted a message on the post Screams from an Italian Restaurant (Diamond is Unbreakable 05).

    Mama Mia!I always thought Pearl Jam and RHCP's names should have been used for the opposite user's stands

  • Zeeman155 posted a message on the post Never Been a Better Beastcast! - PAX East 2024.

    Beastcast RSS feed updating in over 3 years! Great to hear everyone together in front of an audience at PAX like this!

  • Zeeman155 posted a message on the post Enter Shibari (Diamond is Unbreakable 04).

    This week's music references. Toshikazu Hazamada's Stand "Surface" is a reference to R&B trio Surface. (I really like how this stand is really autonomous compared to most other stands in the whole...

  • Zeeman155 posted a message on the post We're gonna milk this egg aren't we? (Diamond is Unbreakable 03).

    Music references this episode:"Red Hot Chili Pepper" I don't think this needs to be explained? The late 80s-00s rock band.Koichi's dog is named "Police" after the British Rock band. Don't remember if ...

  • Zeeman155 posted a message on the post - Waiting For the Rain (Diamond is Unbreakable 01).

    Thought I'd share the list of musical references for the first 2 episodes. From what I can gather many of these may be educated guesses and not officially substantiated.(from the list of ...

  • Zeeman155 posted a message on the post S03E13: You're gonna carry that weight.

    I'm definitely with Jeff on the ending. I reject the thesis statement the conclusion the episode puts forward. There's no running from your past/there's no changing who you are isn't a fundamental tru...

  • Zeeman155 posted a message in the forum topic Jan Ochoa's Top 10 Games of 2023. on the Giant Bomb Game of the Year 2023 board

    jan's the man!

  • Zeeman155 posted a message on the post S03E01: Oh, those aren't bullets.

    I feel like the real Jeff Jeff's Bizarre adventure is in the room with them. Split between dubs and subs. Now it's truly an anime education.

  • Zeeman155 posted a message on the post Hey! I'm CityWalkin' Here!.

    That was better than any scene in the original Water World movie

  • Zeeman155 posted a message in the forum topic People Make Games new doc on Disco Elysium drama.. on the Disco Elysium board

    This docu is a bit too long for me but glad there's detailed coverage on this slice of games history. Important work going on here but also hopefully signal boosting it to the unaware.

  • Zeeman155 posted a message on the post S02E21: Oh! That's a Baseball!.

    I really enjoy the opening side-tangents. Don't feel bad for going off-topic.

  • Zeeman155 posted a message on the post Atomic Heart.

    Aside from the subtitles not having decent size options (hopefully that's a patch), there's NO reason to not use the Russian voices. Like you normally wouldn't complain when the English dub of Like A ...

  • Zeeman155 posted a message on the post One Piece Odyssey.

    God I wish their eyelids or pupils animated because I do NOT like the vibe the game's versions of these characters are giving me.

  • Zeeman155 posted a message on the post HYPER DEMON.

    This is very Devil Daggers-esque. Also, woah my eyes O_O

  • Zeeman155 posted a message on the post S02E03: I choose to perish slowly from my burns.

    In addition to bands/musicians. Also, pay attention to the number of Horror Movies many of these stand battles are references to.

  • Zeeman155 posted a message on the post Pokemon Presents (08/02/22).

    Amazing thumbnail

  • Zeeman155 posted a message on the post 09: A lava fight.

    You get the feeling that Jojo's always follows the whims of Araki. Whatever trivial knowledge he's accumulated over the years or just something that's a current fascination of his will find its way in...