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Giant Bomb rules on a netbook now!

 URL rewrite extension for Chrome running on an ASUS eee 701 with Ubuntu NBE (10.4)
 URL rewrite extension for Chrome running on an ASUS eee 701 with Ubuntu NBE (10.4)
This URL rewriter script lets me load up the mobile versions of Giant Bomb videos I have starred in Google Reader for future watching.  The mobile version of the site runs so smoothly on my ASUS eee 701 making me fall in love with this computer all over again.  It would be nice if there was a cookie setting where I could set Giant Bomb to always redirect to the mobile site from certain machines, but so long as the URLs always match between the standard www and mobile m sites, I'll be happy! 
Please forward on my kudos to the engineers who helped to make the new mobile features come to fruition.     

Craving more Deadly Premonition

It is bad enough I have spent over four hours watching other people play this terrible looking game, now I'm thinking of picking up a copy for myself.  I could pick up a copy of Twin Peaks to satisfy this bizarre craving for something campy instead, but that option is rather more expensive. 
If the Endurance Run didn't take breaks on the weekend, I wouldn't be in this situation.