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Average score of 5 user reviews

Too Human is Too Much Fun! 1

I went into playing too human a little skeptical because I had read most of the reviews online for the game and they were almost all less than spectacuar and bashed down pretty hard on the game, but nevertheless I went out and bought the game.  i had so much fun with the demo that I couldn't let the game pass me by.The GoodThe Combat - I have to say that I really love the combat in this game.  Althought it may seem very simple at face value, there really is some skill to it.  All you do is hold ...

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Another Pokemon Skinned Puzzle Game 1

Another platform, another Pokemon skinned puzzle game.  Now this may be very similar to the Pokemon Puzzle League games of the past but with the new touch controls of the Nintendo DS it brings new life to a game that would have been stale otherwise.  Basically, you just need to match up three or more of the same type of Pokemon heads and keep doing that and try to rack up as many points as possible without the heads building up all the way to the top of the screen.  While this game may not appea...

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The Best Version of the Game 0

Usually, it is the licensed games that are on the bottom of the video game food chain, but on the Game Boy Advance, it seems to be the exact opposite.  The console version of the game felt shallow and empty, but this version is action packed with a classic feel that will satisfy older, younger, hardcore, and casual gamers alike.  The game plays very similar to the older Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle games to appeal to the older hardcore players, and the linear gameplay will appeal to younger and c...

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Legos Were Never THIS Much Fun 0

I always played with legos as a kid, and I have to say that playing the Lego games bring back a lot of those old memories.  I may not be as familiar with the Indiana Jones franchise as the Star Wars franchise, but I have to say I had just as much fun playing this Lego iteration as I did the previous Star Wars ones.Now largely the game play seems to have remained unchanged, and for me that is not a bad thing at all.  That is not to say that the game is perfect.  Because this is just a scaled down...

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Goku Delivers With This Portbale Adventure 0

While Dragon Ball Z games a popping up everywhere these days on every single platform known to man (I even saw a DBZ game on a TI-83 graphing calculator) there have been a shortage of games from the series that started it all: Dragon Ball.  Just like the Dragon Ball Z game, Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure follows the story of anime pretty closely.  It follows Goku and his friends on the search for the mystical Dragon Balls and his fights against the evil baddies along the way.Now unlike previous...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.