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In an attempt to combat apathy, I'm going to be reviewing again!

Hi there gang,

Over the last few years, I've noticed that I'm not really playing games anymore. 2021 was the last "Big" year, but even then, I was largely disassociated with gaming.

I don't really have an explanation as to what's caused this. A combination of trying to start an actual career, having my first "proper" long term partner that I can see going the long distance with, getting older, having to maintain a house, and long term medication I think. I don't think it's one individual thing, I think it's a case of "I grew up" and gaming fell behind for me in my priorities.

In my heart of heart, gaming is still my favourite thing I've ever done in my life. Most of my favourite memories revolve around games, but I can't seem to commit anymore. I've tried Baldur's Gate 3, Sea of Stars, C&C Remastered, Starfield and a handful of other games lately, but nothing lasts more than 45 minutes to an hour before I think "I should be doing something more productive"

So, that's where this blog cements a level of commitment going forward:

I'm going to be attempting to review one game, and one series of anime a month. I'm going to start on Monday the 9th of October, and run through to the second Monday of every month. I figure a month is plenty of time for the kinds of games I want to play nowadays (Shorter, linear, narrative focused pieces of art)

My initial entries are going to be:

Octopath Traveller II


Demon Slayer

Both have been on my radar for a LONG time. I've actually tried them both briefly, but fell off them pretty quick. I did about 8 hours of Octopath, and about 15 episodes of KnY. I'm going to hunker down and give them a proper go.

If you're reading this, you can hold me accountable for a review once a month now, so please do

This is Sombre, reporting in.