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Most Difficult Games Ever

Smashed TV. Broken controllers. Sawed Handhelds. Scratched Discs. Burned Cartridges. Drilled Consoles. High-Blood Pressure. And a Splitting Headache. These are the things that would happen when a game has tough enemies, ridiculous boss fights, no checkpoints and limited saving options.

This is a list of all the games that I find them to be extremely difficult. I know there are other hard and brutal games such as Zelda II: Link's Adventure, Ghosts n Goblins, Contra, etc. But I haven't played those games before so they shouldn't be in this list just yet. I also didn't put Devil May Cry 3 because I played the Special Edition and not the original one.

Difficulty Levels:

  • Hard
  • Very Hard
  • Insane
  • Headache

List items

  • Difficulty Level: Headache

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: Limited continues, no checkpoints, no passwords, remorseful levels

    This is one tough SOB! I'm not joking. The moment you complete the first stage, you're making a first step to oblivion. The roller coaster-like stage took me about 300 tries to get it right. You don't believe me, then try it yourself. I promise you will succeed the first time you play it. I'm not sure if this one is a lot tougher than the NES version or vice versa.

  • Difficulty Level: Headache

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: Useless health bar, no continues, no checkpoints, 1 hit kill, delayed controls

    The arcade version is classic, but the NES version is just plain stoopid. You get killed very easily with just 1 hit so what's the point of having a life bar?

  • Difficulty Level: Headache

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: No continues, no passwords, re-spawned enemies

    The Terminator movie is a Hollywood masterpiece. The Terminator video game however is a Nintendo piece of crap. Well I'm not insulting Nintendo for approving this pile of vomit, The Terminator is a broken game that cannot be played. Whoever made this game were either lazy or had no experience on how to assemble the game. The graphics are abysmal, the music is retarded, the control is unplayable and the difficulty level is hard as nails. When a game has strong enemies that respawn constantly, plenty of death holes and no continues, you know you're in for trouble. And on top of that, there isn't any cheat codes in this game, not even Game Genie. What can you say about that?

  • Difficulty Level: Headache

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: Brutal enemies, one hit kill

  • Difficulty Level: Headache

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: Brutal enemies, limited instructions, unforgiving deaths (losing souls)

  • Difficulty Level: Brutal

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: Useless health bar, brutal bosses, you jump backwards when you get hit resulting to cheap deaths

    Well I admit I played the game using cheats, but Castlevania is one difficult game. Projectiles and enemies just keep coming everywhere, making it an impossible game merely impossible.

  • Difficulty Level: Brutal

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: Insane enemies, brutal bosses, limited save points, awkward camera angles

    A great masterpiece for the XBOX but a million tears to shed in the long run. Get ready to face the first blood pressure experience of your life.

  • Difficulty Level: Brutal

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: Confusing gameplay, insane enemies, brutal bosses, high learning curve

    Another innocent game but one tough sonnafa bitch! I played this game for the seventh time and I'm still having trouble beating the game in Normal mode. It's so annoying when enemies take little damage and sometimes no damage at all even when you hit them with all you got. It's ridiculous and stupid. Lenneth is a brutal game. It's impossible to beat this game.

  • Difficulty Level: Brutal

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: Insane enemies, brutal bosses, awkward camera angles

    Just when you thought the first Ninja Gaiden isn't hard enough, number II hits you right back in the face.

  • Difficulty Level: Brutal

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: time limit, no checkpoints, ridiculous bosses

    Pursuit Force is the first game that ever made me boil my head off. I don't understand why none of these gaming websites have said a word about its difficulty. No joke. Check GameSpot, IGN, GameTrailers and none of them mentioned anything about the difficulty level.

  • Difficulty Level: Brutal

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: limited checkpoints, brutal bosses

    I don't care what anyone says but this game is just cruel!

  • Difficulty Level: Very Hard

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: Steep learning curve

    You shoot, shoot dodge, you switch colours, you survive. Sounds simple in concept but really, it isn't. It takes a lot of effort, multiple gameplay and trial and error to get to the end.

  • Difficulty Level: Very Hard

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: Terrible controls, killer enemies, no checkpoints, limited saving options

    Army Men is a unique franchise, but aside from its poor gameplay and in-game graphics, majority of the Army Men games consist of tough enemies, lack of checkpoints and cheap deaths. 3DO is one screwed up company.

  • Difficulty Level: Very Hard

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: Unexpected enemy behaviours, no checkpoints, no saving options (Just chapter selection)

    A great game, but the thing that makes Codename 47 surprisingly brutal is the absence of saving the game during gameplay. The checkpoint does not help at all!

  • Difficulty Level: Very Hard

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: Useless health bar, killer enemies with ridiculous accuracies

    I didn't expect this game to be hard. With such lousy health bar and enemies with killer accuracy, Chronicles of Riddick can be frustrating at (All) times.

  • Difficulty Level: Very Hard

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: Limited resources, killer enemies, unexpected enemy behaviours

    A PC masterpiece but with limited tiberium fields, little resources and enemies with no remorse, Command & Conquer takes a lot of guts to complete it.

  • Difficulty Level: Very Hard

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: Steep learning curve, insane bosses, too many enemies at once

    The final game to be released from the people who brought us Okami and Viewtiful Joe, God Hand is a surprisingly challenging and intense 3D beat-em-up. Knowing which combos to use and when to use them is very important because as you progress, the enemies and the bosses will become more powerful. You will find yourself frustrated playing it but what makes God Hand so special is its killer soundtrack and hilarious contents. You have to give this game a try.

  • Difficulty Level: Hard

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: Lousy controls, re-spawned enemies, useless weapons

    If you think the cutscenes are awful, wait until you play the game. The Nintendo CD-i games are known for its legendary abysmal experience and it must be avoided at all costs. Believe me. I've tried it before and it sucks. While the levels are ridiculously difficult, the bosses are surprisingly very easy to beat. Just one hit and they're dead. I have no idea what to say.

  • Difficulty Level: Hard

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: Lousy controls, re-spawned enemies, useless weapons

    Same deal with Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon. Crazy levels, annoying enemies but easy-to-kill bosses.

  • Difficulty Level: Hard

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: High learning curve, killer boss battles

    Fun series but the boss fights are just ridiculous.

  • Difficulty Level: Hard

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: Awkward controls, cheap deaths by falling from a high distance

    Looks friendly but this one bites. Rise of the Fungi consists of cheap death where you can easily die by falling off a short cliff. This should not be in the game!

  • Difficulty Level: Hard

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: No maps, no saving options, no passwords, no sense of direction

    A long game with no saving system. That's just great! At least you have checkpoints.

  • Difficulty Level: Hard

    What makes it so goddamn difficult: Trial and error, difficult bosses

    While this game is known for its majestic presentation and not its difficulty level, Shadow of The Colossus does have some frustration moments like the boss battles and navigating your trusting steed.