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Edit # Wiki page Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
284827 Fungoids Concept Note that while the Fungoids DLC expands fungoid options, Fungoids are present in the base game. 05/30/24 10:47PM 2 approved
155630 New Character Character Big Chungus can not appear in Smash until he has a character page on Giant Bomb Dot Com. Them's the rules. 04/01/21 02:36PM 10 approved
137969 Idle Animations Concept As seen on GBI: impatient foot-tapping idle animations! 11/03/20 11:09AM 2 approved
121161 Sewer Location 06/24/20 03:00AM 2 approved
115283 Level Up Health Refill Concept As per the QL! 05/22/20 01:56AM 2 approved
103855 Entering World In A Painting Concept I'm a bit on the fence on Myst here, as it's more of "entering a book," but the thing you click on IS a picture/painting/illustration/whatever you want to call it. 03/25/20 08:19PM 2 approved
100071 Menus Don't Pause Gameplay Concept 03/03/20 05:22PM 2 approved
96203 Qwoplike Concept During GBI chat for I Am Bread, it was suggested that the Grow games probably fit the QWOPlike description. Feel free to disagree! 02/14/20 07:49AM 4 approved
95581 Take a Break Concept As of the Feb 2, 2020 update, Satisfactory suggests a break every 2 hours. 02/11/20 07:31PM 2 approved
72161 Giant Bomb Reference Concept A GB (and Patrick in particular) shoutout appears in a hidden room of Flinthook. 10/30/19 05:16PM 2 approved
63725 4X Concept 08/20/19 10:55PM 2 approved