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MormonWarrior's comments

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It sometimes astonishes me that these guys don't even know the basic arguments against their stated positions on things. Like "Net Neutrality" which hands a bunch of power to the federal government to fix a problem that doesn't exist, which is definitely NOT a win-win for the consumer. When giant government-protected conglomerate cronies like Comcast and TWC are vehemently supporting something like this, it's worth giving it a second look.

Just one economics example from before the passage of NN:

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Okay. I suppose that "full clip" is a reference to speed (a nautical one, no less) and is supposed to be a secondary reference to guns...but wouldn't you assume that someone making a game centering on guns and shooting would know something (ANYthing) about their terminology? The guns used in this game (and basically any modern/futuristic shooter) don't use clips, they use magazines. "Full clip" is utterly meaningless in the context of this game. It annoys me enough that I wouldn't even consider checking out this version, and I'm only a fledgling firearms enthusiast.

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@thewildcard: This review seems to actually address what's been wrong with Zelda for years, which adds credibility. But yeah a lot of review sites destroyed their ability to be taken seriously in Zelda (COUGH IGN COUGH) by giving Skyward Sword perfect or near-perfect scores, and the same thing with the drab, uninspired Twilight Princess. At least Spirit Tracks had heart and tons of wacky personality.

A Link Between Worlds was genuinely one of the best games to come out in the last few years. Can't wait to try this one out.

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I actually think Super Paper Mario is a really great game. It's just a different game than the first two entries. That said, Thousand Year Door really is an achievement and I wouldn't feel weird about it making it onto a list of the greatest games of all time. Like, games. Of all time. Not RPGs of all time. Not games of that generation. It's seriously that good.

See, I got TTYD when it was brand new and played through it back then, and I really don't understand why so many people gush over it. It was a lot better than the slow, fairly bland N64 game (and did the paper gimmick a lot better), but it had loads of tedious sections and enemies and wasn't as clever/funny as Mario & Luigi. Honestly, it's probably #4 in the Mario RPG series for me (which I love) but it's not even top 5 on the GameCube for me. (Superstar Saga>Mario RPG>Bowser's Inside Story>Thousand-Year Door)

Also, I'm very bummed out that this game is basically a doubling down on Sticker Star. At least it's good to hear that it's funny, because SS basically had no personality at all. That game was hot trash.

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Edited By MormonWarrior

Proper Order:

1. Gold/Silver/Crystal

2. Red/Blue/Yellow

3. FireRed/LeafGreen

4. Sun/Moon

5. HeartGold/SoulSilver

6. Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald

7. The rest of the crap

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Whoa I wasn't expecting anything from this game. Maybe I'll have to consider it...Resident Evil 4 is one of my absolute favorite games of all time.

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Anecdotally, I know tons of guys that didn't even want to bother with the Wii U that are jumping in immediately on the Switch. It's definitely a more appealing product. I just hope Nintendo can capitalize on it by making it into the pure hybrid that it needs to be.

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Edited By MormonWarrior

The Wii U brought me back to being a Nintendo fan, and I've liked basically everything I've seen with the Switch. As for launch games I doubt I'll pick up anything beyond Zelda and maybe some downloadable stuff, but if they really lean into the portable/console hybrid thing over the next while and bring the smaller, quirkier 3DS-style experiences as well as the bigger, grand console experiences, I'll be quite pleased.

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Edited By MormonWarrior

On story: I think the BEST idea for a good new Star Fox game and the inherent repetition and branching paths of the 64 template would have been to follow the Zero Escape style of storytelling. Put Fox in the middle of a weird time paradox and he only way he can actually eliminate Andross is by going down numerous paths and learning info from each of them to take him down. Would be potentially really awesome, and more fun as a game than the lame puzzles of Zero Escape.

Edit: Hey Brad, on the topic of Uncharted was already revealed in 3 that Drake was an adopted last name in the flashbacks. And I liked the story of the game. But that wasn't a reveal in this game, rather what his real origins were was when they were clouded in mystery before.