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I haven't watched the entire thing, but did Jeff explain why he's not using raytracing? I thought the whole reason why he wanted to download Minecraft was because they added RTX support to it and he got a new GPU.

Which version are they using? I think it's the Java version. Does that version have the official raytracing? It probably has the modded shader pack that adds raytracing, I'm talking about the thing that Nvidia and MS made.

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That Hatsune Miku Quick Look is still fucking comedy gold and one of my favorite GB moments ever. I remember watching the whole Quick Look, wondering why the hell I was even doing that, and then that moment happened and I just laughed myself to tears.

*this was back when every Quick Look was at least 45 minutes long, so if I recall correctly that video was pretty long, whereas today or early-day GB it would have been fifteen minutes tops.

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@puppymehard said:

It hasn't been that long since a FE came out. Shadows of Valentia came out on 3DS in Spring 2017.

Anywho, I'm really enjoying the game thus far.

Shadow of Valentia on 3DS should not be forgotten. The game was the first one to introduce the convenient auto play during the visual novel section in the series. The lack of that function is among the reasons I stopped playing Valkyria Chronicles 4 last year.

Thank you, every discussion I've heard about this game references Fates as the last FE released, not Shadows of Valentia. Even upon release, it seemed like no one discussed Valentia. I think everyone discounted it because it was a remake of an older game and didn't feature the support conversations anywhere near as heavily. Instead, it had those dungeons you could run around in, JRPG-style, and it was a lot more linear.

...but I can't complain too much because I didn't actually finish Valentia myself. Something else came out a little while after I got out and I got absorbed in that instead. I should probably go back to it.

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I also chose the Black Eagles and can confirm that Hubert is an asshole. He seems to aspire to be Edelgard's asshole, so she doesn't have to be an asshole to anyone.

I have played this game for about ten hours and I think it's also really, really good.

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Just started playing this at work and going to put this on hold for a bit. Don't want people thinking I like anime

Nothing featuring Kill La Kill is safe for work.

Or safe for life, really, as this show is un-fucking-bearable.

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Edited By Justin258

I don't know if I'm going to get this.

That said, when they started talking about Crash Bandicoot names, my mind started spinning and a I had a fair number of games from the original trilogy pop up in my head. I was a PS1 kid.

CTR is better than every Mario Kart until DS.

EDIT: Also, it is my understanding that this game takes characters and some tracks from later games and incorporates into this one.

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Edited By Justin258

@funymunky said:

The gameplay looks ok, but visually it looks pretty boring to me. Also, I only played SotN for the first time a couple of years ago and didn't find it to be as good as I was led to believe (except the music). If this is like more of that, I'll probably pass.

I had lukewarm feelings about the look as well, but after playing it for a little while I think it looks really good. Sometimes great!

The big secret is that Symphony of the Night isn't the best of these. The best ones are the DS trilogy - Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin, and Order of Ecclesia. Igarashi and Company seem to have wisely leveraged the popularity of Symphony while stealthily making a game that echoes Order of Ecclesia far more than it does Symphony of the Night. A lot of the features that make this game feel "acceptable" in 2019 are actually features that appeared in some form in that DS trilogy. The shortcuts menu comes to mind, although in the DS games you used a button combination to switch between loadouts, you didn't have a weapon wheel.

Anyway, on-topic, I'm also having a lot of fun with this game. It's well-made in pretty much every way that I wanted. I didn't expect much of anything from the story and what I got is pretty much par for the course when it comes to Castlevania games. If you're looking for one of these, get this one!

...or Timespinner. Timespinner is also a very, very good "one of these" and as a bonus that one actually uses some excellent 2D sprites and pixel-y artwork.

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Mordin's musical number is one of my favorite things in this game.

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Didn't expect to see P.N.03 on Giantbomb's home page today

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Edited By Justin258

@bombzinski said:

I woner if this'll be the moment everyone suddenly realizes SRIII doesn't really hold up?

I played this way back when it came out and I enjoyed it then (though I wouldn't have even put it in the top 10 of 2011). I felt like I was up for a replay earlier this year and, er, yeah, it doesn't really hold up. It's worth playing if you like the game's sense of humor but otherwise there is pretty much nothing here that works well enough to make it worth playing in 2019.

SRIV's gunplay is still terrible but the focus on being the best Crackdown game ever released means that I think it actually is worth playing outside of the sense of humor, but I don't know how much you'll get out of that game's story if you haven't played the third one.

In any case, I know the PC versions of both games don't have high system requirements and they do run very well, so before buying this version I'd check and see if your PC will run the game. If not, see if the Xbox One version is backwards compatible, especially if you have an X.

EDIT: But watching this does make me want to play it again...