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Dark_Link142: Favorites

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  • An epic adventure! My favourite Metroid game out there.

  • An intense fighting game and is easily my favourite of the 3 Smash Bros. titles. Heck, that's what a good sequel is supposed to do.

  • An incredible masterpiece that started the 3D era of the long running Zelda franchise.

  • A direct sequel and also a sort of spinoff, Majora's Mask doesn't disappoint. It's basically Ocarina of Time, but harder, darker, and much more epic.

  • The 3rd entry into the 3D Zelda games, it does some great new things. Although the sailing turned most people off, it made me feel like an explorer into uncharted territories =P. Plus, with all the hidden and secret areas across the sea, it's never dull sailing through the Great Sea.

  • Although I'm not altogether comfortable with turn based strategies, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn introduced me to the genre with an epic storyline, likeable characters, great battles, and a deep RPG element to it.