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Your Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of E3 2010

Hey - you guys remember those E3 lists you were creating last week during E3? Well, I took the liberty of compiling that data. Here it is for you duders:  

 Lincoln Sends His Thanks.
 Lincoln Sends His Thanks.

Your Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of E3 2010

1. Portal 2

Attached to 504 lists.

2. Gears of War 3

Attached to 494 lists.

3. Metal Gear Solid: Rising

Attached to 494 lists.

4. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Attached to 427 lists.

5. Dead Space 2

Attached to 426 lists.

6. Bulletstorm

Attached to 355 lists.

7. inFAMOUS 2

Attached to 352 lists.

8. Halo: Reach

Attached to 335 lists.

9. Fallout: New Vegas

Attached to 286 lists.

10. Fable III

Attached to 283 lists.

Did you create a list? Are these the games you were expecting to show up?   
Thanks to everyone who participated - its kinda cool to see the data :)