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Widely Hated

Everyone has their favorites and least favorites, of course. But it must be said that some characters are less popular than others. And these ones in particular have very few if any fans or advocates. Whether for being seen as poorly written, annoying, morally repugnant, or some other reason, these are the characters who, near as I can tell, are the most widely hated and/or infamous for being widely hated.

For characters who have comparable numbers of vocal fans and defenders, see my "Bitterly Divisive" list.

List items

  • Pretty sure anyone with even a cursory knowledge of The Last of Us: Part II and the firestorm of controversy it generated, knows about this one. The hate for her was SO bad, that her normally well-liked voice actress Laura Bailey got a ridiculous amount of online abuse for playing her (not cool, folks).

  • I hope I never have to explain this one to anybody.

  • The bane of many an Oblivion player's existence. That he can't ever die permanently suggests to me the makers of the game were fully aware of how insufferable he is, and were in a mood to be sadistic. Shame on them.

  • MCU version, considering he along with Malekith is generally recognized as a prime case of a boring and phoned-in MCU villain. I get that they can't all be Killmonger or Thanos, but still. And truth be told, I hate him myself.

  • Even among those who DON'T hate the Sequel Trilogy with a burning passion (such as myself), general consensus is that her and Poe Dameron's plot was the weakest one in the film. Even her death, while awesome, gets a fair share of flak.

  • The personification of every negative stereotype about the Jedi, and basically everything Jedi haters accuse the organization as a whole of being; a self-righteous, holier-than-thou, oppressive type who constantly lectures and preaches about the dangers of the Dark Side while falling to it herself. So her being hated is no great surprise. Worth mentioning that she's actually my personal least favorite Star Wars character (yes, even worse than Jar-Jar). I just can't stand her.

  • Batman and Robin version, which took one of Batman's deadliest foes and turned him into naught but dumb muscle.

  • The most infamous Dinosaur character there ever was, and in running for the most infamous TV character ever. I mean, there's a song little kids sing about violently killing him, so...

  • Well, the CW show version at any rate. Really wish folks wouldn't use that show as an excuse to hate the character in general though, because COMIC Batwoman is awesome.

  • General consensus is that she's a terrible protagonist and an even worse role-model for the legions of underage girls who read and got hooked on the Twilight series.

  • I mean, he IS introduced betraying and shooting the player character, and even aside from that is a cocky, sleazy weasel. It goes without saying that many a player enjoyed getting revenge on him.

  • One of the most widely hated party members in ANY Final Fantasy game, no mean feat considering how many party members there's been across all the different games.

  • Its shortsighed idiots like these that make one tempted to sympathize with Cerberus and The Illusive Man's worldview. I know I was. And even though I played a (mostly) Paragon Shepard...I still hate the Council.

  • Everyone's least favorite Clone Trooper, at least in my experience. His shooting and killing the beloved fan-favorite Fives probably guaranteed that, but there's also his arresting / pursuing Ahsoka, and given how, shall we say, "attached" to her a lot of fans are, Fox certainly didn't do himself any favors there either.

  • Misogynistic serial killer. Not exactly a charmer.

  • Or at least, this has been my impression. Probably inevitable when you've killed not one, but TWO of MK's most popular characters (three if you're a Baraka fan). Plus the whole thing of her being a traitor in league with Shinnok all along.

  • The version from the Velma show

  • Besides the whole thing of his being a cannibal, it's also implied he has interests in Ellie that are of a decidedly perverse nature. Gross.

  • The infamous X-Men Origins: Wolverine version

  • Among other things, her romance is EASILY the most shallow one in the Mass Effect trilogy. Her voice acting is also generally considered below the standard of most of the other cast members.

  • Easily the most widely despised Harry Potter character ever (including by myself). Fact is, we all wanted her dead even more than we did Voldemort. She's basically the Holiday Special of Harry Potter: EVERYONE agrees that she's awful.

  • No one likes him, and you're clearly not supposed to. Jennifer Hale herself has said that he's her least favorite character in the series.

  • So much for being "Man's best friend". In this case, it's more "Man's most annoying taunter".

  • Jennifer Garner version. Her movie was infamously awful, and her turn in the 2003 Daredevil movie didn't exactly impress most people either.

  • Generally considered the least likable of the Until Dawn cast, although I myself would argue that her spat with Jessica has the latter just as obnoxious and terrible. But either way, yeah, Emily's kind of a jerk (though this can be mitigated a LITTLE depending on how you play as her).

  • Pretty much all of their movie iterations

  • It takes a special kind of awful to make everyone hate you even when you have Samuel L. Jackson voicing you.

  • Sadistic Nazi and an abusive mother to boot, she was clearly designed to be as hateable as possible. Which of course, makes shoving an axe into her face all the more enjoyable.

  • The version from the Velma show.

  • Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer version. Because SERIOUSLY. A cloud in space? Who the hell thought THAT was a good idea?

  • Another character who was very clearly designed to be someone everyone despises. He even dresses up as a Nazi at one point.

  • Generally considered a weak and forgettable villain who may have been potentially something better, but ultimately wasn't. I think even the actor himself has noted that he hasn't run into that many Hux fans. Probably because there aren't many.

  • That's what you get for killing one of the franchise's most beloved poster boys. Even though, strictly speaking, Shepherd does have something of a tragic reason for being evil.

  • Cocky trash-talker, and I think he might also be a misogynist. Moving on.

  • AKA how all of us gamers and other assorted nerds fear we're perceived by everyone else. Namely, annoying and insufferable posers who reference movies too much.

  • By way of being the species of Jar-Jar Binks. Seems rather unfair if you ask me, considering that Jar-Jar was an exile from his people and society precisely because they hated him as much as the rest of us. Even so...

  • Everyone cheered when Garrus beat the crap out of him during his loyalty mission.

  • Will spray the player with a hallucinogen any time they kill too many animals for her tastes. But given that the game makes killing animals in self-defense a necessity sometimes, plus accidental killings, this leads to players getting sprayed rather unjustly in many instances, ensuring that Harriet is widely despised as a PETA lunatic who feels like more of a parody of Animal Rights Advocates than a sympathetic portrayal.

  • Up to his neck in the Holocaust. 'nuff said.

  • Miranda's worthless turd of a father. Even among those who don't like or love Miranda as much I do, I don't see him having much in the way of fans or advocates.

  • This one was hated BY HIS OWN CREATORS. Such that the only reason he showed up in any game other than his debut one, was because Armageddon was determined to bring back every character. Even then, he was brought back as a zombie with no personality.

  • A cocky, trash-talking jerk who is basically the local bully. Plus, when you pick fights with and insult Nintendo's main breadwinner, you're basically asking for it.

  • Believe it or not, I actually like this one, but I'm definitely in the minority. Poor Jacob has the dubious distinction of being the closest thing Mass Effect's otherwise largely popular and acclaimed collection of party members has to being the one everyone hates or dislikes.

  • No one likes a bully, and the fact that the target of James Potter's bullying was fan-favorite Severus Snape didn't help matters. Even though we're supposed to see him as complex/flawed rather than just a 100% jerk...the latter is still exactly how a bunch of Harry Potter fans still view him. The argument being that we're only told he got better rather than getting evidence of it. This does of course, overlook the fact that he helped fight against Voldemort and his Death Eaters and died trying to protect his wife and son. But whether one agrees with it or not, the fact is, James Potter is indeed hated by many.

  • Guess that's what you get for hunting one of Video Game's most beloved protagonists (well, that and debuting in the Halo game that seems to be most people's least favorite).

  • MCU Version, and I daresay that Natalie Portman herself wouldn't disagree. But then, that was one of the things folks hoped Thor: Love and Thunder would correct/get right. That it didn't for most people is one of the reasons that movie is hated.

  • Probably the most infamous Star Wars character there ever was (no small feat).

  • This video explains it:

  • Sadistic Nazi scientist, and probably the most infamous Real Life Mad Scientist there ever was.

  • There's a reason he's often paired with Hitler with "worst human beings ever".

  • There's not a Mass Effect fan out there who doesn't know the reasons for this one.

  • And here's another one. That the series gives you the opportunity to punch her IN ALL THREE GAMES is telling.

  • The next K2-SO or HK-47 she most definitely isn't.

  • The GTA version. That's what being a sexual predator and general sleaze gets you.

  • Given that Captain Titus is so awesome that even folks who hate the Ultramarines love him, the excessively by-the-book Lenadros sealed his fate as a loathed character the moment he accused Titus of being corrupted by Chaos. Where Titus is (again), an Ultramarine that even the haters like, Leandros more embodies what Ultramarine haters dislike about the chapter.

  • DCEU version, on account of Jesse Eisenberg feeling completely miscast in the role.

  • MCU version, on account of being the poster boy for "boring and phoned in MCU bad guys".

  • I have honestly yet to meet any fellow Warhammer fans who don't view this guy as a contemptible, backstabbing, cowardly a-hole. Of course, he IS all of those things. Plus, he doomed the Warhammer universe by selling it out to Chaos, so there's also that.

  • Baby form only. Regular Mario is obviously one of video game's MOST beloved characters. But his Baby incarnation is about as hated as regular Mario is adored.

  • Amazing Spider-Man 2 version, at least before the MCU fixed him.

  • One of the dumbest MK characters ever, if not THE dumbest.

  • Even his bio on this site admits as much

  • Batman and Robin version, for obvious reasons.

  • For such a wholesome series, Animal Crossing has a few different despised characters, and Resetti, at least in the earlier games before he mellowed, is one of the most prominent.

  • Pretty sure anyone whose played even a single level of Ocarina of Time knows the reason this one's on the list.

  • During the period of the show when he was most, well, flanderized. That that term is named after him says all. But during the seasons of the show when he was portrayed as an intolerant religious fundamentalist type, he quickly became unbearable, and this is often cited as one of the things that marked the Simpson's decline in quality.

  • Often held up as a strike against the Prequels, especially in view of how the Neimoidians in general were accused of fitting negative Asian stereotypes. I would remind everyone that Gunray was clearly INTENDED to be hated, but folks use him as an excuse to bash the Prequels anyway. -__-

  • Seemingly widely hated for the "so sweet and friendly its annoying" reason.

  • For being a terrible Catwoman from one of the worst movies ever made.

  • While he's SUPPOSED to be a lovable doofus, in many episodes Patrick's stupidity is such that he instead often comes off as a selfish, unlikable moron and a terrible friend. But you don't need to take my word for it: for specific episodes that depict Patrick in this way, you have "I'm with Stupid", "Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom", "Yours, Mine and Mine", "Driven to Tears", "Dumped", "Stuck in the Ringer", and many more.

  • Batman and Robin version

  • I guess not every Water starter can be as cool as Squirtle or Totodile, can they?

  • "There's another settlement that needs our help".

    Personally, I give him credit for having his heart in the right place. Still kind of annoying though.

  • At risk to my credibility, I do like her design and think she's very comely. BUT...her and Sonic as a couple is just weird (and not in a good way). Plus the fact that she gives Peach a run for her money in the "constant damsel in distress" department. It probably doesn't help that she also hails from a widely hated video game.

  • Let's of the main causes of the Human/Covenant War, a sanctimonious religious zealot, a genocidal bigot, a pathetic weakling, and killed Miranda Keyes by shooting her in the back. Yep, this guy sucks.

  • Guess the similarities to Joffrey Baratheon are more than skin-deep here.

  • Mass murderer, torturer, rapist, all around sadistic bastard. Another one who was obviously intended to be as loathsome as possible.

  • Especially to those who chose the Human Noble origin, as this asshole betrayed and massacred the family of the player character in that case.

  • One of the main sources of criticism of the Obi-Wan Kenobi show from irate fans. Mix of the obvious bad faith criticisms and the "bad writing" claims. And that's all I'm going to say about this one.

  • Between his highly telegraphed fall to the Dark Side (and equally unsatisfying turn away from it later), his coming off as both a coward and a pathetic wannabe, and just generally annoying folks, Rosh ended up being one of the most widely disliked characters to come out of a Star Wars video game.

  • Poster boy for annoying cartoon characters, to the point that TV Tropes' code-term for "character who is almost universally despised", is "The Scrappy". Hell, even the live action movie from 2002 made him the villain!

  • Technically does have her fans, but the majority of DA players seem to dislike her something fierce.

  • The hate for this League of Legends champion is strong, and unlike most other examples of a hated champion, it isn't entirely for gameplay related reasons. Many just plain hate her and find her lore half-baked at best and her personality grating.

  • MCU version, who gets heavily knocked for the poor quality of her CGI alone, to say nothing for a host of other criticisms (some more legit than others).

  • Worst. Sidekick. Ever. Or close to it.

  • Opinions about this dime-store Palpatine generally fall into two categories: that he's either one more argument against the Sequel Trilogy in general and The Last Jedi in particular, or that The Last Jedi is good in part BECAUSE it got rid of this boring villain to make way for Kylo Ren's ascension. Either way, Snoke fans are few.

  • Well, from Battle for Azeroth onwards, anyway. Prior to that, she was a generally beloved character. But if anything can turn an audience against you, it's turning into a genocidal psycho (and featuring in not one, but two hated expansions).

  • Especially N, it seems. And their leader Ghetsis too, though for different reasons. In my experience anyway, these guys are often compared unfavorably to the older villainous Pokemon teams (Rocket, Magma, and Aqua).

  • Killing the family of one of video game's most beloved protagonists will do that...

  • Mindy Kalling version, along with her show as a whole.

  • I personally find her rather interesting, but general consensus is that she is one of the worst Dragon Age party members ever.

  • Committing mass shootings at airports tend to have that effect on people. Also the cause of the aforementioned General Shepherd's own descent into villainy, making Makarov indirectly responsible for fan-favorite Ghost's death.