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Games completed in 2012

let's hope i finish more than 15 this year!

List items

  • Xbox 360. lots of suda 51 goodness

  • Xbox 360. I FINALLY DID IT OMG

  • Xbox 360. May 26th. probably one of the best Yakuza games alongside Yakuza 2

  • Xbox 360. February 11th. beat it for the 3rd time on xbox, 5th time overall. completed my Tonfa only run. prepping for Ninja Gaiden 3!

  • Xbox 360. March 10th. disappointment :( but for 20$ i shouldn't complain

  • Xbox 360. March 23rd. an absolute disgrace to the Ninja Gaiden series, and gaming in general.

  • Xbox. May 5th. i finally finished it! nearly 10 years after wanting to play it, i'm kind of glad i didn't play it when it came out. very dark, but a lot of fun!

  • PC. May 12th. i totally didn't expect this game to be as good as it was. powerful, intriguing and satisfying are words i could use to describe the pretty entertaining story. the shooting is also a ton of fun. the ragdoll adds something great to blasting enemies. stoked for Max Payne 3 now~

  • Xbox 360. May 17th. Rockstar's take on Max Payne is different, but it's a unique, immersive experience that you can't get anywhere else. great soundtrack, thrilling story, wonderful voice work and strong gunplay make for a spectacular experience.

  • Xbox 360. May 18th. a journey of exceptional quality, albeit a bit too repetitive which caused me to take a break from it several times. finally finishing it, it had a pretty underwhelming ending but the journey, and the events leading up to the climax were all pretty special in a way that only Rockstar can deliver.

  • Xbox 360. May 26th. a pretty fun co-op shooter with lots and lots of fancy loot. also has the best ending ever

  • Xbox 360 <br>| Episode 1 - June 8th | dark and depressing are key things you want in an atomspheric zombie game. Telltale nails it with great characters, an environment that makes you feel vulnerable and grim decisions. <br>

    | Episode 2 - July 16th | delightfully morbid and disturbing. it's been a while since i have felt like such a piece of shit in a video game like this. <br>

    | Episode 3 - September 4th | I'M SO SAD MAN. WHY DID THINGS HAVE TO END UP LIKE THIS. oh, and it was good too i guess <br>

    | Episode 4 - October 13th | fuck <br>

    | Episode 5 - November 21st | GOD DAMMIT MY HEART

  • Playstation 3. June 11th. an absurd, self-aware (i think) and ultimately satisfying trip through the adventures of Travis Touchdown. it has its problems and quirks, but the great combat and overall stylish presentation, along with some truly odd humor makes No More Heroes a game that's easy to adore. i need a wii. now.

  • Xbox 360. June 16th. it's cool. combat is okay, music & visual style are wonderful but the humor is a swing and a miss. Nick was the star of the show. ALSO I GOT THE BAD ENDING WTF

  • Xbox 360. August 19th. it won't set any new standards for open world crime game storytelling or originality, but it's a really entertaining tale from Hong Kong's criminal underworld. oh, and the side stuff is pretty awesome too.

  • Xbox 360. September 26th. it had its moments, but the story mode was mostly crap. the story and cutscenes are just all over the place, and the way that its paced makes it even more of a pain to sit through. it got a lot better around the end, but not enough to save the story. the 'bonus missions' don't really make for a great tutorial replacement, either.

  • Xbox 360. October 10th. it was pretty great as Half Life always is. i wasn't a fan of the strider battle near the end, but everything else was fun, and i always enjoy the environments and character that HL has to offer. the ending was something that was spoiled for me beforehand, but it was still pretty messed up regardless. now i have to wait for EP3 like the rest of you. aughhh

  • Xbox 360. | Lost & Damned. November 4th. great story, great characters with wonderful performances and fun, chaotic missions. i absolutely loved The Lost & Damned. |

  • Xbox 360. November 14th. best Call of Duty campaign this generation? it's up there. the story and gameplay were miles better than i expected. the player choice that shapes the path for the campaign is pretty damn cool, and the shooting is a lot more fun than any other game in the series. the story, while could have had a better ending, was delightfully fun and engaging in its characters, pacing, setting, and variety. there's a certain choice that i fucked up that still has me full of remorse. nice going, Treyarch!

  • Xbox. December 4th. absolutely masterful, in its gameplay, soundtrack, attention to detail and overall design. it still remains one of the best games that i have ever played. even with some minor flaws, it manages to shine brightly over seven years later. without a doubt, one of the, if not, THE best game that Team NINJA have ever developed.

  • Playstation 3. December 15th. what a wonderful game. so creative, so well-written, so charming, and so satisfying.

  • Playstation 3. December 17th. after watching Ninja Scroll, i went ahead and decided to finish my Mentor run through Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2. sixth time being NG2 overall, third on PS3. master ninja difficulty is next, i guess?

  • Xbox 360. December 23rd. <br> it's like the game of my dreams come true. super stylish action with a completely outrageous protagonist and a delicious soundtrack made Bayonetta thoroughly enjoyable. all that, and it looks beautiful and runs silky smooth with no hitches whatsoever. it's.. marvellous, and it's definitely one of the best games i've played this generation.

  • Xbox 360. December 26th. it's alright. it has a stunning visual style, a great soundtrack and a cool premise but i never felt that it lived up to its potential. i felt like having enemies fire guns at you-- or really, gameplay surrounding guns was a bad design choice and the story wasn't as interesting as it could have been. apart from that, the first-person free running was fun and i think a game based entirely around that without any gunplay (melee, if done well) would have been a lot cooler. if a Mirror's Edge 2 was to capitalize on this game's incredible potential, we could have something even more special than what we have here.

  • PC. December 27th. it's a lovely little horror game. despite being freeware and made in RPG Maker, it's effectively frightening and kept me interested most of the way through. the multiple endings were a nice touch too, with one in particular putting a bit of a downer on my mood.