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Did You Forget? PS3 2009 is Sexy Awesome

A few days ago I was reading an article about Killzone 2 and it suddenly hit me: There are TONS of games coming out next year on the PlayStation 3. Just check this out.

I'll cap you, bitch
I'll cap you, bitch

Heavy Rain

Sure, it could just be a series of glorified Quick Time Events, but based on the size of the script and the budget, this is a game we should all be watching. It's an emotionally charged story with adult themes. The decisions you make drastically shape the story. For example, if you die, the story will change to take the death of that character into account. Sure, Far Cry 2 also promised this, but Heavy Rain seems that it could live up to this promise. This is just one example of a game that is super-charging 2009 for the PS3.

Let's dance!
Let's dance!

Ratchet and Clank Future 2

After delivering what some could argue as a somewhat mediocre game this year, Insomniac's turning around to deliver the next installment of the Ratchet and Clank Future franchise in 2009. Announced after the credits roll in their PSN release, Ratchet and Clank Future: Quest for Booty, Insomniac has not said anything about the game except that it's coming in 2009. With that, I do hope that they improve the weapon upgrade system and make the game much harder. Tools of Destruction was only difficult in the final planet. Also, I would love if Insomniac returned to the weapon upgrade system of Ratchet: Deadlocked. I enjoyed swapping out alpha and omega mods to max out weapons' effectiveness. Most likely coming Fall 2009.


You know a game is awesome when IGN's Greg Miller spazes out on camera about it. Will you become a hero? Or will you indeed become infamous? That is your choice in inFamous. The player plays as Cole, a simple bike messenger blessed/cursed with insane electrical powers after being involved in a blast in one section of the metropolis of Empire City. However, it seems Cole is not the only one affected and the federal government quarantines the city by blowing up all of the bridges and dropping supplies for the poor city folk. Of course, Cole realizes that with great power comes great responsibility. The real question is: will you? You don't have long to decide: inFamous is coming Spring 2009.

Kratos in casual form
Kratos in casual form
God of War III

It's the sequel to God of War and God of War II. That's all I can rally say about this. Most likely coming Fall 2009.

Drake don't like turtles.
Drake don't like turtles.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

It's coming and it looks absolutely explosive. It looks like the best parts of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune are back: third-person action, Nathan Drake, the half-tuck, exotic locales, and balls to the wall action. Nathan Drake has set off to reveal the myster surrounding Marco Polo's lost fleet. Two trailers have been shown: one with Drake finding a dagger with a very distincitve South America pre-colonization look in the middle of an arctic snow field and the other with a bloodied Drake falling out of the back of an obviously run-away train. The gameplay promises to be more stealth focused and include Altair or Faith style free-climbing. Most likely coming Fall 2009.

Killzone 2

When this game was first unveiled with what was thought to be an over-confident CGI trailer back in 2006, people were rightfully skeptical. Since then, however, we've learned that this is definitely a game to watch out for. Killzone 2 has a huge, epic campaign and 16 player multiplayer with the ability to use bots. Also, the game simply looks beautiful with most publications arguing the game even looks a little BETTER than the CGI trailer. Also, the developers have made the enemies wicked intelligent and the game difficult, a trait that many games are lacking lately. It seems that Guerilla Games has learned from their mistakes in Killzone 1 and is set to unleash the epic we all know they're capable of. Coming Spring 2009.

An in game picture of Fat Princess
An in game picture of Fat Princess
Fat Princess

Fat Princess is Capture the Flag... with a twist. Instead of a flag, you are trying to reclaim your stolen princess. Princesses are pretty light, right? WRONG. By feeding the opposing team's princess endless slices of cake, this princess becomes porkier and porkier, thus making her more difficult to move. This is a class based game with archers, soldiers, etc. There's even some resource management. This game's unique art style is another success story. This one girl, who had published her cartoons on the internet, must have caught the eye of somebody, and she is largely responsible for this game's existence. This game will be released on the PSN early in 2009

So, what are you most excited for? If I missed something, let me know!

If I could only play inFamous, Uncharted 2, and Fat Princess next year, I'd be a happy man.