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Watch sports.

Watch some shows and movies, but have cut way down on that as I got older and busier and prioritized gaming and sports.

Read novels and a few comics (mostly Star Wars) in the Marvel Unlimited app.

Outdoorsy stuff like hiking and fishing.

That's enough given the amount of time spent on work, fitness and social obligations.

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I enjoyed the demo. Going to fire it up in a bit to mess around with some of the gear for the boss challenge, maybe see how story mode is (do worry it may get a bit hard for me as I'm not great at parrying). But I I liked it enough to go ahead and preorder as I'm in the mood for an action game.

Character design arguments around the net I'm pretty meh on. I like sexualized designs, but they aren't a must or anything for me of course. To me there's plenty of variety in games these days with sexualized and non-sexualized designs.

So I'm not very supportive of those thinking games like this shouldn't exist, but also don't think there's been some drought of attractive female characters dressed provocatively either. Just this year there's been FF7 Rebirth with characters like Tifa and Scarlett, Tekken 8, Unicorn Overlord etc.

End of the day, variety is a good thing and people should just play what they like and not play what they don't. This isn't ages ago when pretty much every female character was heavily sexualized. Plenty of games out there like Returnal, Horizon, The Last of Us etc. with non-sexualized characters. Having those doesn't mean games with heavily sexualized characters shouldn't exist. Again, variety is a good thing.