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    Misaki Souya

    Character » appears in 1 games

    Younger sister of Misato and best friend of Kozue. Cheerful but shy and airheaded.

    Short summary describing this character.

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    Misaki is the younger sister of Misato, yet is the dominant sister. Kozue is her inseparable best friend. Misaki is rather innocent regarding adult matters. She is also a little air-headed and clumsy. Misaki is rather romantic. She also has a pet dog named Jack. Misaki is not a good cook.

    Misaki is cheerful and is attracted to Yuuji since he transferred to Sakuragaoka Academy. She is initially shy around Yuuji, but eventually became friendly with him.

    Misaki and Yuuji discovered that they had met under the Snow Sakura tree when they were 5 years old. Misaki lost one of her gloves and Yuuji found it for her. When the group made a short film about the Snow Sakura, Misaki was cast as the lead female role by Kozue.

    Possessive Misaki
    Possessive Misaki

    On Misaki's path, she is very possessive and is dominant in her relationship with Yuuji.

    On Christmas Day, Misaki invited Yuuji to the Snow Sakura to confess her feelings for him. Rei noticed them and gave them a good luck charm. Later on New Years' Day, she invited him to the Yukito Shrine to watch the sun rise.

    Kozue is very supportive in their relationship and she does her best to help them. Misaki later revealed that she wished to become a veterinarian.

    Misaki and Saki
    Misaki and Saki

    One day, Saki ordered Yuuji to help her clean the house. Misaki was upset that she couldn't spend the day with him and decide to help him clean. Saki accidentally fell on Yuuji and Misaki walked in on them. Misaki became upset and Saki confessed her feelings for Yuuji.

    Later, Misaki ran away from home. Saki guessed that Misaki is at the Yukito Shrine and confessed that she was jealous about Misaki's relationship with Yuuji.

    After Yuuji and Misaki graduated from Sakuragaoka, they went to the same college. They named their daughter Sakura.


    • Misaki shares her name with Cape Souya (Misaki Souya in Japanese), the northern-most point of the island of Hokkaido.

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