How is PlayStation Showcase 2021 on September 9th so far?

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#1  Edited By GTxForza

Hello there PlayStation fans in Giant Bomb forums!

The live stream has finished hours ago so here are my thoughts:


  • The new trailer for Gran Turismo 7 looks so good as they bring back nostalgic content & vibes plus they have something new such as a new home screen,
    cafe, legendary car dealership (Similar to the used car dealership from previous games)


  • Shows up some brutal games (Too disturbing for me).
  • No new Motorstorm
  • No new WipEout
  • No new Resogun
  • It doesn't show up new features for the PS5 console, they will probably announce much later on

Edit: The users who wrote their comments for expectations, it was prior to the live stream started.

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Sony might announce a new color variant of the PS5, which would probably be black. The Alan Wake remaster could be officially announced here and they may show a bit more of Gran Turismo 7.

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Same as last time, low expectations. It's longer than usual, and I suspect that a large part of that will be dedicated to Deathloop and Horizon Forbidden West. The former because release is so close, the latter because it's now available for pre order.

I loved Horizon and am very much looking forward to the sequel; but I, personally, don't have a desire to see more preview material. So if that does get highlighted then I'll just mute it and wait until that part of the presentation passes.

Aside from that there may be an interesting announcement or two, but more along the lines of a pleasant surprise than anything amazing. None of which is a criticism, mind you, just the sense that I get from these presentations.

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Ridge Racer 69 hopefully.

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@isomeri: Black PS5 would be cool but given how little stock there continues to be I'd be surprised if they split production into even two different plastic colours right now. I'd be happy to be wrong (and happy for them to say they're flooding the market with consoles)

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@isomeri: I initially thought Alan Wake this game was Microsoft Xbox's 1st party to begin with (Judging the Xbox 360 version is published by Microsoft Game Studios).

Well for that game, it was okay but I didn't enjoy it as much as Quantum Break (Another game developed by Remedy Entertainment).

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God of War sequel name and possibly target launch date/estimate

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#8  Edited By monkeyking1969

I would have like them to say they increased production, but I rather think that is out of their hands. Games coming out is good, but I think if there is a sneaky way to ensure more PS4 ports were showing up -for new games- that would be...advantageous.

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I would like them to sta they increased production, but I rather think that is out of their hands. Games coming out is good, but I think if there is a sneaky way to ensure more PS4 ports were showing up -for new games- that would be...advantageous.

We'll see how they will show up, it's very unfortunate for console gamers who cannot get their hands on PS5/Xbox Series X at the moment as they really want it since this year but I hope they will be able to get it by Xmas.

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My reaches that I would love to be true:

  • Confirmation of a new SOCOM game that includes a SP Campagin (I was one of those weird people that loved the SP of those games)
  • Bloodborne at 60 FPS for either PS5 or PC

My more realistic expectations:

  • God of War Trailer (in-engine cinematic or gameplay, either is fine TBH)
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I hope there is something that those psychopaths at r/theblueboxconspiracy can latch onto.

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I think we'll definitely hear some Nordic chanting and see a logo, but I think anything more than that would be weird at this time of year.

I would've said some in-game footage of FF XVI would be a reasonable expectation, but then the producers said they were skipping TGS to keep polishing the game. If they won't do TGS, it'd seem odd to do this.

I wouldn't be surprised by a story trailer for Horizon, I'm not sure they need to do another gameplay demo though. I'd imagine most people are decided on that game already and now it's all about building hype, and the story is the only thing that's up in the air and could go either way with that game so I think it's time for them to start teasing out what that is.

There will be Death Stranding stuff even though there doesn't need to be because Kojima loves being a part of these things.

My two "bold" predictions: we see The Last of Us 2's Factions mode in action, and we'll see a pretty long gameplay reveal of Elden Ring.

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if I type "gritty Jumping Flash reboot" into this box, will that make it happen?

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@jeff Type it into your twitter feed just to be safe.

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I expect a lot of games that aren't for me, at prices I'm not willing to pay. I think the realistic best case scenario for me is that there's some weird indie game in there that makes me go "Huh. That's neat".

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I would like to see something about GoW2, myself. If they have FFXVI, now that would just be gravy.

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#17  Edited By Ares42

Didn't Elden Ring recently show stuff to the press, so maybe time for a public showing ?

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Gran Turismo 7 has been confirmed to have Toyota Supra Castrol JGTC Race Car! Oh YES!

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My reaches that I would love to be true:

  • Confirmation of a new SOCOM game that includes a SP Campagin (I was one of those weird people that loved the SP of those games)
  • Bloodborne at 60 FPS for either PS5 or PC

My more realistic expectations:

  • God of War Trailer (in-engine cinematic or gameplay, either is fine TBH)

I really enjoyed those Socom SP campaigns. They were hard, but it was so fun to command your squad using your voice.

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#20  Edited By Ginormous76

Ok, that was a really great showcase. Alan Wake is October 5 and $30. That's awesome. If it hadn't been leaked yesterday, it would have been even crazier to me.

Who had "KOTOR reamke" on their bingo card? I think you won. No date or anything meaningful, but that's a great announcement.

Project Eve made me go, "what is this game and why do I need to play it right now?"
Forspoken looks so cool too. Wowzers.

Insomniac working on two Marvel games?! Neither will be out any time soon, but I don't mind looking forward to games.

GoW: Ragnarok (official name released!) looks awesome in the bits of actual game play they showed. No target release or release window, but that's ok.

I was surprised Ghostwire: Tokyo didn't get a release date.

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Really, really good show for me.

I've never owned an XBox and still use the same iMac I went to college with in 2008, so I've never been able to play KOTOR or Alan Wake. Those will be cool little bits of gaming history to have access to, and fans of KOTOR seem to think they'll have to do some interesting modernization things to make that game fun by modern context.

Project EVE looked, to me, like what Scarlet Nexus just didn't have the budget to be. I'm sure there will be some pretty significant differences, of course, but the dystopian future with a weird virus turning people into hugely grotesque beings is something I've realized I really enjoy, I just need more polish surrounding that. EVE looks like it just might!

Ragnarok and Spider-Man are basically lay-ups for me, but Ragnarok did look truly gorgeous and I'm a little surprised with just how much of the gang is getting back together but also very cool with it. Spider-Man meanwhile just implies so much with so little, and left just enough questions - will we get to play as Black Suit Spidey to take down Kraven, MIles to beat Peter out of the suit and then a mixture of both to defeat Venom Harry/Norman/Eddie? That first game was essentially two stories in one and they pulled that off perfectly so I don't see them not doing it again.

Wolverine, too?! And likely an old, drunk Wolverine?! I'm very curious to see how Insomniac brings Spider-Man combat into Wolverine, and just how violent Marvel will let that game get. Also, kinda wild Marvel doesn't have the pull to force those games onto XBox considering MLB was able to strong-arm the baseball game over.

Forspoken had a kind of aggravating tone from the main character, but man did it look like a new inFamous game but set in the Middle Ages with a bunch of weird Square Enix shit going on otherwise. I'm officially super curious.

I might buy a Gran Turismo for the first time since A-Spec, watching that trailer instantly reminded me of how much I loved playing GT3 just to marvel at what it looked like.

I hate to admit I'll probably buy the Uncharted and GTA remasters, and I just re-played Uncharted 4 leading up to Last of Us 2. I don't need that in my life. Ugh. I've also played the GTAV campaign four times over and at this point find very little of it charming or subversive...but man did it have great set pieces and was Los Santos a super fun play space. Ugh.

I'll admit, I'm not sold on Ghostwire: Tokyo, but that's a first-person shooter thing more than an aesthetic thing. Just takes a lot to convince me to five an FPS a shot.

For that reason, I'll also say that Deathloop has perpetually been in a one step forward, one step back position for me. I thought I might be a day one guy hearing the Jeffs talk about it on UPF, but the tone of this trailer seemed all off and had me back on the fence.

The super colorful game looked neat as long as it has some fun gameplay behind it.

If I'm forgetting anything, I'll say I didn't think there was a downbeat across the entire show other than Rainbow Six and the multiplayer vampire game, both of which I just can't be bothered to get interested in.

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Any physics duders on here who can maybe help me with a question?


Is it possible to travel back in time? I'd like to T-1000 whoever came up with Tiny Tina.

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#24  Edited By brian_

Nothing really caught my interest, but they played BabyMetal, which is still worth being bored for 40 minutes in my book.

I don't know about that Project EVE. It looked like it was just a mix of all the things I should like. Souls games, Nier, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden. But not in a way that looked interesting at any point. Something about that Forspoken footage didn't look quite right to me either. I'll play another Spider-man game. Someday. When it's not $70. Less interested in Wolverine since he probably doesn't swing from webs.

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Even though I'm not into brutal games but the reason why I did mention the next God of War as part of charge extra $10 USD upgrade from PS4 to PS5 in one of my previous threads, because I was curious about PlayStation owners' opinions.

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I'll definitely play that KotOR remake and might give GT7 a go if there's no mainline Forza release before that. Tchia also looked fun and hey cool to see some new Radiohead content in whatever context.

Is it just me, or are half of Sony's games now Marvel games? I guess the comic book stuff is still popular but I kind of have an active disinterest towards all of it.

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#27  Edited By GTxForza
@isomeri said:

I'll definitely play that KotOR remake and might give GT7 a go if there's no mainline Forza release before that. Tchia also looked fun and hey cool to see some new Radiohead content in whatever context.

Is it just me, or are half of Sony's games now Marvel games? I guess the comic book stuff is still popular but I kind of have an active disinterest towards all of it.

For Marvel games from whichever developer and publisher, I pass because I'm not a big fan of superheroes in general but I did watch all 4 Avengers cinematic universe films though.

Edit: Why not buy GT7 and Forza Motorsport Reboot together by 2022? I'm pretty sure that you will love them both.

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#28  Edited By Onemanarmyy

That Project EVE made the error of using the words 'Eve' and 'Parasite' in a game that's not Parasite EVE.

It did make me think how much better the characters in Parasite Eve gel with me than most of these current anime games that go way too hard with the Shonen personalities that it no longer feels like the characters are relatable or worth to be emotionally attached to. I guess i can dig the visual anime style, as long as it doesn't come with the lowest common denominator anime writing.

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@gtxforza said:

Even though I'm not into brutal games but the reason why I did mention the next God of War as part of charge extra $10 USD upgrade from PS4 to PS5 in one of my previous threads, because I was curious about PlayStation owners' opinions.

I would rather not pay the extra, but $10 isn't a deal breaker and won't make any difference for me. Considering most of the major releases from third parties are charging too, it won't for most people either.

Its also worth noting GOW didn't have date so its at least end 2022 probably spring 2023, by then they'll be 30-40m PS5 in the wild, most wouldn't be upgrading by then but spending $70 on the game period.

Both platform holder have stuff I really want to play, I can't remember a time when the future look so bright for all parties. Sony's first parties had a really good showing hopefully MS delivers on their promise as well.

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I'm not going to get my hopes up, but the KotOR remake has a lot of potential to be significantly more playable than the original. I was never a fan of D&D/Infinity Engine based RPGs. The RNG makes them too much of a chore to play. So, it's gotta be modern action RPG or nothing, which it most likely will be, but still.

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That Project EVE made the error of using the words 'Eve' and 'Parasite' in a game that's not Parasite EVE.

It did make me think how much better the characters in Parasite Eve gel with me than most of these current anime games that go way too hard with the Shonen personalities that it no longer feels like the characters are relatable or worth to be emotionally attached to. I guess i can dig the visual anime style, as long as it doesn't come with the lowest common denominator anime writing.

I was more shocked I didn't see a Platinum logo on any of it.

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@shindig said:
@onemanarmyy said:

That Project EVE made the error of using the words 'Eve' and 'Parasite' in a game that's not Parasite EVE.

It did make me think how much better the characters in Parasite Eve gel with me than most of these current anime games that go way too hard with the Shonen personalities that it no longer feels like the characters are relatable or worth to be emotionally attached to. I guess i can dig the visual anime style, as long as it doesn't come with the lowest common denominator anime writing.

I was more shocked I didn't see a Platinum logo on any of it.

If it were Platinum it would have had a personality. The devs cribbed basically everything else, though.

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Yeah, that's the one thing that stands out. Bland but they're desperately going for a Bayonetta.

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I do enjoy the OP’s forever enthusiasm for racing games! That said, I wouldn’t expect much beyond GT7 in the near or far future. Maybe if the Wipeout remaster from a few years back would’ve sold well there’d be a chance for a new one, but I don’t think it did. As for Resogun 2, I don’t think Housemarque has that much interest going back to it at this point either, though I would probably enjoy seeing how pretty a PS5 exclusive one could look.

I thought this was an ok showing. No surprises really, except for Wolverine, which could be a fun hack n slash, especially if it’s allowd to be as violent as Logan. Ragnarök didn’t maybe look like a major shift from the previous game, but I loved that game, so I’m fine with more of the same and some extra. Would’ve been cool to see a GoW that’s not held back by PS4 though, now I’m guessing it’s happening sometime in 2026-2027 with a third game.

Uncharted/Lost Legacy combo was nice, though I’m guessing I’m going to have to pay for it, whatever I own the originals or not.

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Very disappointing for me personally, given the way certain people were hyping it up. Was expecting a lot more than new Marvel games and KOTOR. It did reaffirm that I really don't need to get a PS5 for a couple of years though, which is quite nice.

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@glots said:

I do enjoy the OP’s forever enthusiasm for racing games! That said, I wouldn’t expect much beyond GT7 in the near or far future. Maybe if the Wipeout remaster from a few years back would’ve sold well there’d be a chance for a new one, but I don’t think it did. As for Resogun 2, I don’t think Housemarque has that much interest going back to it at this point either, though I would probably enjoy seeing how pretty a PS5 exclusive one could look.

I thought this was an ok showing. No surprises really, except for Wolverine, which could be a fun hack n slash, especially if it’s allowd to be as violent as Logan. Ragnarök didn’t maybe look like a major shift from the previous game, but I loved that game, so I’m fine with more of the same and some extra. Would’ve been cool to see a GoW that’s not held back by PS4 though, now I’m guessing it’s happening sometime in 2026-2027 with a third game.

Uncharted/Lost Legacy combo was nice, though I’m guessing I’m going to have to pay for it, whatever I own the originals or not.

I used to play Uncharted 4 on my PS4 years ago, it was okay but I'm not a fan of treasure hunting stories in general though.

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#37  Edited By GTxForza

For Xbox's next showcase, I hope they will show up Forza Motorsport Reboot's gameplay and features.

I'm so going to appreciate both Gran Turismo 7 and Forza Motorsport Reboot but I have a feeling that I wouldn't enjoy these two as much as Assetto Corsa Competizione.

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The show was thoroughly whelming. If I had to choose one game out of the entire lineup to play right now, it would easily be Deathloop (handy that it’s coming out next week…though my stubborn ass is going to hold out til the exclusivity window ends so I can play on Game Pass). Tchia was the only new(?) thing from that showcase that really made me sit up and pay attention. I’ll inevitably play most of the first party lineup but none of them really got under my skin. If I had to pick one, I’d probably go with Wolverine because I want to know what the hell that’s going to be, though I can’t imagine Marvel will let them go hard-M with it which is the only way to do a Wolverine game right. Spider Man 2 will likely be very good at a minimum, but I hope they have a bigger scope for the setting because after 1 and MM I’m sick of Manhattan. Biggest disappointment was how samey Ragnarok looked to GOW. For some reason I expected more, though I admit I’m not sure what “more” would entail. Pretty shocked that it’s apparently the “end” of the Norse story according to the post-show dev interviews. I assume and hope that’s a fakeout? As a fan of Norse mythology it would be a shame to have this iteration of nuGOW never get to fully stretch its legs on PS5 before another big setting swerve or soft reboot.

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The racist reactions to God of War makes me not want to bother with engaging with any online gaming discourse

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I am very interested in some of the games shown at the event (Spider-man, Wolverine, KOTOR, and God of War) but it's also hard to get too hyped up when the majority of them were cinematic trailers for games that are seemingly years away.

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@sombre: Yeah, it's usually not worth your time. I made sure to not look at the chat, especially not after that trailer. Very predictable response.

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I liked a lot of what I saw yesterday, and was even pleasantly surprised by the presentation as a whole. I expected nothing, I got more than nothing, and some of what was on display even surprised me.

Wolverine surprised me, and I'll be very curious to see where they go with that game. I'd prefer something with some grit and an M rating, which is somewhat implied in that teaser (as short as it was, mind you) but I also appreciate that it's not THAT difficult to have it be violent without an M rating. It's not as though the ESRB is an incredibly strict group, and that the game could probably have piles of bodies while still avoiding an M rating. Too, Logan at a bar, not in costume, makes me hopeful that it won't just be another superhero romp with a bunch of quips. Just keep your mouth shut during fights, and be the best there is at what you do.

It would have taken a lot for me to dislike the new God of War trailer. I enjoyed the first game so much that the trailer served more to satisfy my expectations more than anything else. So, no, it wasn't an exciting trailer for me, but it was satisfying and made me smile.

There was nothing surprising about that Spider-Man trailer, but that isn't a criticism against it. Venom was alluded to in the first game, so, yeah... there he was. The first game was great, I didn't play Miles Morales, and I feel like the bigger surprise would be if I didn't enjoy this.

Gran Turismo 7. Okay, here's the thing: in light of what I just said about God of War and Spider-Man, I realize that this statement may seem contradictory. Gran Turismo 7's trailer showed me exactly what I expected, and it was kind of boring. There were cars, they drove fast... It's almost not worth putting money into trailers for this game (or racing games in general) unless they are showing more of a race. I know what a car looks like and what driving fast is supposed to look like. Thank you for confirming those two things.

Tchia looked incredibly charming, and my kids will adore that game if it turns out well. We need more calm and colorful in games. It also looked like players can possess more than just animals given the green hue, though not a glow, around some of the inanimate objects, so I'm curious about that. It looks like there will be an environmentalism element to the game, and I am on board with that message.

As for Forspoken, the world doesn't seem unique, the action, as presented in the trailer, didn't look unique, and most of the lines felt like somebody was going out of their way to make the protagonist irritating. The tonal shifts of forced one liners and B-movie level dramatics reminded me of the writing in Attack of the Clones: it tries too hard, and desperately needed a more critical voice in the room. It could turn out to be more, but as of this moment I cannot see myself paying any further attention to the game.

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#43  Edited By sparky_buzzsaw

If you haven't choked on regurgitated Marvel characters over the last two decades, it's the show for you, I guess.

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If you haven't choked on regurgitated Marvel characters over the last two decades, it's the show for you, I guess.

Sorry, I'm not into Marvel, DC or whichever superheroes in general.

For myself, I'm more into Star Wars when it comes to sci-fi action.

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#45  Edited By GTxForza

@hansberg: For GT7's Showcase 2021 trailer, probably Polyphony Digital didn't want to show everything prior to the full game release, so they want fans to speculate.

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#46  Edited By swthompson

A lot of the games seemed like the last game in the series but prettier, which has been a recurring thing so far for Sony's exclusives. Maybe because of the cross-gen period, it's hard to tell. I was interested in a lot of these sequels but I'm not seeing anything that indicates elevation for me. I don't just want God of War 2018 Season 2, I want some proper one-upsmanship in terms of cleverness and twisting the game mechanics just like the first one did. Same problem with Horizon 2, GT7, and Ratchet PS5.

Marvel does nothing for me and I think we're entering the period where games are as saturated with superhero stuff as movies have been. Marvel isn't bad but it does suck a lot of air out of the room for everyone else.

We'll see. I know I'm judging things with an overtly critical eye since I'm growing less and less interested in buying big new plastic boxes every 5 years.

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@gtxforza: I don't believe that. It would imply a level of cleverness that they have never exhibited. My wife is a pretty big fan of the series, and even when she watched it her reaction was along the lines of 'yeah, that was a driving game,' and then she left the room. Nothing even to discuss beyond that.

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Not a lot for me there, Project Eve is the standout but there's a hell of a lot of impressive looking Chinese developed games incoming from unproven developers, my expectations are tempered.
I'll play Uncharted on PC, i didn't like 2 or 3 but that was mostly because of how poorly they played on PS3.

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mmm none of it was particularly exciting for me personally- but then again it's only been 1 year of life for the PS5, and i didn't buy into the PS4 until 2019. i remember a similar environment in 2014 with PS4 and Xbox- it took awhile for the library to prove its worth.

fortunately i'm pretty patient (and probably couldn't deal with trying to find a next gen console in stock anyway), so i don't feel burned or disappointed.

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I found it overall underwhelming. I have been holding off on trying (key word there, cause i know they are super hard to get) a PS5, and this showcase reassured me that am doing the right thing. Come 2023, this could change, but it look like there won't be any major reason to get one (for me, i do have a ps4 pro, so i can play some of the titles i want to from Sony) until at least 2023.

Side note, i still find it annoying that people get so hyped up for a cgi trailer that has nothing to do with the actual game it is tied to. You should never get excited by a CGI trailer, interested in the product, sure, take note of something that might be fun, but not excited. Did you people learn nothing from the Outer Worlds 2 trailer... :p