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Sometimes I play video games on camera, other times I play them off.. I am an enigma

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@bigsocrates: I will 100% agree with you that I can ignore some aspects and just engage with the game on its level. I don't love being scored on a boss, especially when the ultimate goal is just to beat it, but I can see that they wanted to reward you staying on beat. I think the big issue is just how much they expected people would replay bosses.

Yes there are going to be completionists that want to beat each boss 5 times, but you have to think the average person playing is only going to do them twice, and knowing that you have to scale the skill tree to be "mostly" completable at that average.

In a perfect world this game has one or two more bosses and maybe a small handful of side quests to flesh the game out more.. but too bad

And yes, metacritic is wrong once again

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@bigsocrates: Beep.. Borp! Jokes on you.. because I'm definitely AI. I scrubbed the whole internet (twice) and it came back with my exact ranking of games.

In all seriousness, this website is the only place I exist. I hate what the internet has become.

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@bigsocrates: it's weird.. but the more you point out how much I hate super mario 3d world, the more I actual agree with my original take.. Super Mario 3d World is probably the worst mario game ever made, and I am counting hotel mario in that comparison..

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@bigsocrates: yeah... the sequel isn't connected to this game outside of the look, and I didn't buy them as one big pack.. so I don't know if I'd be willing to jump in at another 30$. And everything is competent to good.. so like a 7 out of 10.

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@wollywoo: super metroid has to be the biggest blindspot I have in my gaming history.... it is singlehandedly one of the games I am most excited to play (should it come up), but also one I would be the most scared to start.

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@apewins: thanks for the read and comment (as always).. I didn't think the game was "bad" but I could obviously tell it was very scaled down in terms of what even the first game could do.. it was perhaps babies first metroid, and seeing that I am a baby... very fitting.

My methods are certainly not for everyone and it can potentially mean that I don't get around to another metroid for months. However, I have to do it this way, because otherwise I would get serious decision paralysis and end up just playing through my 10th season of NBA2k.

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@bigsocrates: oh buddy.. you have always been my nemesis.

Yeah, I exclude games media, because I get why they do spoiler talk. It's going to draw in the audience of people who have already been spoiled, people who want to be spoiled, and people who maybe weren't interested in the source at all, but are curious about the issue. My befuddlement is with people who are enjoying a piece of media and want to spoil the artistic twist early for no real benefit. Hey thanks for telling me the twist in the 6th sense, now when I go see it for the first time I'll miss the cool reveal.

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@manburger: I, probably wrongfully, feel I can trust my gut after a quick trailer and maybe 5 minutes of gameplay footage. I'm not batting 100% as I am sure @bigsocrates will gladly point out, but I will only really change my mind on whether or not to get a game if I've decided not to and then heard universal praise from others.

@bigsocrates: I don't get why people are ok with spoilers.. I still very much care about discovering the story in a book, movie, or game firsthand without knowing the twist. My wife is the opposite and it baffles me.

If I had to guess it's that the attention span of younger generations are so shot, and they have no patience that they need to just know what is coming to even see if it's worth playing, or because they can't be bothered to read through the story at it's own pace. It sounds like I'm "old man yells at clouds" and maybe I am, but I'm also not constantly on my phone while watching a show or playing a game so I can soak everything up as it comes up.

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@chamurai: thanks as always for the read and comment.. the writeup for ogre battle 64 might be a bit as I'm still early on, but here is my preview take.. it's a really good game that rewards micro management sometimes to a detriment.. however there is inherently so much replayability as every army is customizable, so in one playthrough you could use 10 different characters and use a complete different 10 on a second playthrough.

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@bigsocrates: you are trying to trap me, but I won't fall for it. I'm glad I played that shifty game, so I know how bad things can get. It's that game that keeps me grounded to realize that super mario 3d world isn't that bad after all.