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    Cyberpunk 2077

    Game » consists of 11 releases. Released Dec 10, 2020

    An open-world action role-playing game by CD Projekt RED based on the pen and paper RPG Cyberpunk 2020.

    Cyberpunk 2077 Spoiler-Free Gameplay Discussion/ Bug Talk

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    #1  Edited By colourful_hippie

    Just wanted to open this for people who want to have an active dialogue about their ongoing experiences with the game whether it be good or bad. How are you liking or not liking it? What kind of bugs are you experiencing?

    If you want to get specific about a mission or event beyond just gameplay talk or discuss the story please use spoiler blocks.

    As someone who enjoyed the recent Deus Ex games but found the gameplay and more specifically the shooting to be flat, I am very much enjoying what's going on here. The shooting feels more serviceable and is a step up from the Fallout type of shooting I was initially expecting which is great. That plus I think they layered on the Watchdogs hacking mechanics in smart ways to make a fight or a stealth run feel more dynamic. I don't know how to feel yet about the melee combat. Punching feels flat but the sword stuff feels marginally better.

    I'm only a mission or two behind where the GB Quick Look starts so I don't have a fully formed opinion yet on how I feel about the writing other than I know that Jackie is really fucking annoying. Other characters have been great though. As for bugs I haven't seen anything game breaking yet but I was forced to relaunch the game a couple times because the game would just turn off my controller like as if the batteries died. Other times the gas while driving didn't work or the movement sticks were unresponsive. Some of these issues stemmed from me alt-tabbing in and out of game so it's been more stable if I avoid doing that. Other weird stuff has been seeing objects clip, floating guns, and a shooting sequence while driving where my gun never activated.

    Quick PSA: For those wondering why the game looks off while moving around, you need to turn off film grain. It's a really bad effect in this game and also turn off chromatic aberration which causes weird warping on some textures. It doesn't hurt either to drop motion blur to low or off unless you really like that sort of stuff.

    PSA #2: As if bad console versions weren't enough. Apparently there is a corrupted file bug getting reported where your save may become corrupted if the file size reaches 8mb or more. This could happen after you've been playing for dozens of hours and have collected a load of items. This is the first serious bug that is giving me pause over playing it seriously again.

    CDPR hopes to fix it in the coming large patches early next year but says that there will be no fix for a corrupted save file. So make sure you guys are making multiple saves.

    PSA #3: CDPR just released another hotfix, 1.06, which fixes the 8MB save file size limit way earlier than expected. This won't fix any saves that have already become corrupted though.

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    So far the only thing I have noticed bug wise is some objects just inexplicably floating in the air in odd places. There was an ash tray in the bar at the start that was just suspended in the middle of the room and like that's just good clean jank I smiled to see it.

    Gameplay I'm still getting a feel for, guns feel okay but also like I need to shoot a guy an awful lot in the head to make it work. Kinda feeling how the melee is working though so I might pivot into that entirely.

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    Only thing I've seen has been one or two janky character movements and my character's hair (and sometimes clothes) missing when I look in the mirror. Guessing the day one patch really tightened things up from what the GB crew were saying about the game.

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    Unfortunately it's pretty boring so far and doesn't really add new elements to the shooting, leveling mechanics, stealth, hacking, and crafting. I'm not that far into the game but I find myself almost falling asleep like I did with RDR2. I couldn't finish that game due how boring it is. Hopefully this game picks up the pace and I'm able to actually PLAY the damn thing without being led somewhere and having to drive elsewhere when I want to explore the city on my own.

    The downloadable soundtrack is pretty lame. It's just all of the in-game music scores and not a single song from one of the artists featured in their promos over the last year or so. The in-game music sounds like your average synthwave stuff with some stuff that reminds me of Doom's music.

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    I don't know if this is a bug but I've just met Viktor and I have a quest to pay him and a quest to talk to him. Talking to him just opens the option to pay him and no way have I got that much this early on. Am I meant to grind out the money with side quests this early? Unlikely. I have no other quests. Maybe I need to walk to the right random place to trigger a sequence or something.

    So after giving up on that and wanting to see the city I went for a drive, stuck in 1st person driving view like Jeff experienced. Tried to drive over a bridge and it literally just teleported me around facing the other way. This is something a ps2 indie game would do.

    Another oddity I've found is during any sequence where you are forced to walk slowly during a conversation you can still strafe at full speed.

    I quite like bugs in games when they don't hinder progress, but some of this stuff just seems like bad design.

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    @sarcasticmudcrab: Might be a bug? You always have the option to pay Viktor if you have it, somehow, but he's supposed to do what he does regardless of it you have the money and then you keep the quest to pay him back for it.

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    Got spooked by a lot of the videos on the base ps4/xbox performances, so I ended up cancelling my order and going with the Stadia version. For the most part, I'm still in that "holy shit I can't believe I'm playing a AAA game on my shitty mac" so it's cool that Night City looks as good as they say it does.

    But I did encounter some bugs. Most fairly inconsequential; though there was one game breaking bug where I was on a mission and Jackie literally gets in front of me, and I could not get past him. It effectively made the quest dead.

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    I only managed to play about an hour this morning but so far I'm just shocked at how Fallout it is. It really feels like Fallout with a Cyberpunk flavor. Like I was not expecting to be able to just pick up random junk items lying around the environment, and I'm not sure what that adds to a Cyberpunk game, but you can totally grab random stuff like it was Fallout or Skyrim or Outer Worlds.

    So far I'm kind of lukewarm on it, because the first hour is very constrained and a little boring (I started as a corp so maybe the other intros are better?) and every character is a raging prick, which I don't like. I hope there are some actually nice or interesting characters a little further on.

    Also the whole sequence after you finish the intro and before you start what I presume is the first mission everybody gets is just really weird and offputting.

    I'm still optimistic, I guess. The shooting is...okay though as others have mentioned enemies take a lot of hits to go down. So far I prefer the intro to Outer Worlds, which is weird to me because I am much more into Cyberpunk as a concept than goofy space dystopia.

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    The bugs were strangely absent in my play through of the prologue. Maybe the version we saw on the quicklook was prepatch? My framerate is fine too. I am playing it on the pc at 1440p on ultra with a 2080 super.

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    On PC -- had 2 T posing NPCs in the intro and had the sound of screeching tires the whole time Jackie drove me around. A ton of characters walking through closed doors and elevators as well.

    I expected this open world jankness... Just didn't expect to be hit by so much in the first 30 or so minutes.

    On an impressions note: We got the same weak Fallout 4 dialogue options for conversations here.

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    Playing on PC: 9900k and 2080ti with an ultrawide 3440x1440p monitor. All the menus are 16:9 which means some of the tip menus are out of sight. Performance is good. Only bugs so far is that when characters carry something it floats just out of their hands.

    Overall the game is very Deus Ex. Movement, melee very similar. I am not a fan of the gun combat, very flat. Not great actually, I would even say, below par. Same with stealth, very basic, knocking people out and hiding them in boxes animations seem to be an afterthought.

    The levelling and attribute system is OK, very expansive.

    Humour is very much focused on sarcastic takes on capitalism. Take it or leave it. I would compare it to GTA V.

    Early summary from me is: not ground breaking, in many ways under par (combat especially). Playing it safe with dialogue options. In terms of CDPR games, I would slot it below Witcher 3 definitely, probably even under Witcher 2 right now.

    I am trying to see positives but, if this was not CDPR I would be probably be giving this 3 stars at the moment.

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    On the one hand: I am having fun with the game. For now, the supercool Neo-Japan aesthetic is doing gangbusters for me. It might not be doing much of anything on a social-political front--but it sure looks cool.

    But on the other hand: Man this should have been a 2021 release. It's clearly obvious that this shit isn't done, and it sucks that people are basically going to have to wait for a "Witcher 3 style" fix. Unless CDProjekt comes up with some magic, this really could be the end of the good will they've garnered.

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    #14  Edited By frytup

    Yup, it's an open world game alright. I'm not nearly far enough in to say if I think the story is developing in a way I like, but I'm already slightly overwhelmed by the load of side quests. Hopefully the payoff for at least some of those will be satisfying.

    Playing on PC, bugs haven't been terrible for me. A few texture glitches, dialog triggering errors, and one case where my character just started moving randomly with zero control input for 10-15 secs.

    Oh... and hand to hand fighting kinda sucks.

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    I like the leveling and perks in this but I'm already waiting for someone to release their free respec mod because most games still don't wanna just let you have fun with its toys.

    Say what you will about Valhallas messy skill tree but it had built in respec and point rollbacks and that kicks ass.

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    I freaking love it, it's exactly what I expected.

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    I've had a few bugs; things like loot disappearing under bodies, not being able to move bodies to get loot, all my clothes disappearing when I got into the ripper docs chair, and my favorite swinging my katana around hold the blade and smacking people with the grip. But nothing game breaking or Bethesda bad yet, but I've only done one quick side mission so far.

    I actually had more bugs playing the new destiny expansion but I've only played 2 hours of cyberpunk vs 40 hours of beyond light so that might not mesh up after I get in more time.

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    No major issues for me yet at ~ 4 hours of playtime. Seems good so far but feels like I'm still getting a feel for how the game is gonna play/feel. There are A LOT of skills/perks and I have no idea if I should try to focus on one area or spread things around

    Anyone messed around with any of the crafting stuff yet? Wondering if it would be worth putting any points into that track.

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    @efesell: After reloading the save it immediately popped up with the next quest objective and the original 'talk to Viktor' quest was completed in the journal, so yup bug lol

    I really like this game so far but some of the design is mindboggling, like why have that annoying repetative beeping noise in the menus? Maybe to coax players to not spend too much time there.

    Also I don't know if this is a widespread thing (I'm braving it on ps4) but the amount of duplicate people walking around and sort of awkwardly bumping into each other is probably my biggest issue so far, it just looks bad and is very immersion breaking. Would of been so much better to just have less pedestrians, which sadly isn't an option on ps4.

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    I put in a good few hours yesterday, and without going into spoilers I just gotta say that the opening of this game sucks. There's a montage early on that's basically "let's skip the first 10-15 hours of the game that you would've loved to play". So far they seem to have forgotten that the great part of Witcher 3 was the characters, their contained story-archs and the mini-stories in the world. This game seems purely focused on the big story, while all the characters and events in the game are complete write-offs.

    It's also lacking a good few essential tutorials/options on PC. I probably spent 10 minutes or so just trying to figure out how to open the game menu, and I still don't know the shortcuts to jump directly into half of the menus. There's no settings for any of it in the keybindings for some reason. It also has the common problem of a set mouse sensitivity for menus, which makes the game near unplayable on high resolution for some people.

    Lastly, while I understand why they went first-person, I don't like it. I'm one of those freaks that play Elder Scrolls and Fallout in third-person though, but I feel like the constrained perspective does the game a disservice. It's especially bad when it comes to conversations. Framing is such an important tool to create immersion, while most of the conversations in this game feels very much like "videogame being videogame". It might get better later on, but they should've at least been much much more willing to take control of the camera than they have been so far.

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    Finished the prologue and got a (very, for me) late title card and I'm kinda all in on it now. It's got some jank but I haven't hit any egregious bugs.

    Also I kinda just like V a lot?

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    @ares42: That montage is such an odd, offputting choice. I kind of get why they do it, to try and normalize all the stories from the intro section and not have to address the stuff that happens to you during the intro, but it really just makes the whole intro kind of irrelevant for character development because who you are as a person when the main game starts is largely defined by the stuff that happens in that montage, which you don't see. It would have been better just to have your background either used like Mass Effect (you select it during character creation and it influences parts of the story and dialogue) or just to have found a way to lead directly from the intros into the main plot.

    I imagine it won't really matter in the long run of the game's arc, but it's a baffling choice.

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    @ares42: Yeah. I had the same reaction to the montage. I wanted to play it, not watch it. It was dumb.

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    Played 3 hours and IT IS AMAZING. Probably the best game ever made. INSANE!!!!!

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    I am pretty underwhelmed so far to be honest. I think it looks pretty bad to just fine on PS5. I haven’t had too many crazy bugs so far but the biggest thing that is driving me crazy is the skip dialogue prompt that is in the bottom right corner. It never goes away during conversations and it bothers the hell out of me and also the text is too damn small to read. I’m gonna keep playing and hope it gets better but so far pretty meh.

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    @pnutz83 said:

    Played 3 hours and IT IS AMAZING. Probably the best game ever made. INSANE!!!!!

    I mean...I like the game, but unless you've only ever played Fortnite...

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    #27  Edited By Kemuri07
    @nedshead said:

    I am pretty underwhelmed so far to be honest. I think it looks pretty bad to just fine on PS5. I haven’t had too many crazy bugs so far but the biggest thing that is driving me crazy is the skip dialogue prompt that is in the bottom right corner. It never goes away during conversations and it bothers the hell out of me and also the text is too damn small to read. I’m gonna keep playing and hope it gets better but so far pretty meh.

    Every review site pretty much mentioned that the prologue is deliberately slow. I'm so far enjoying it and soaking up Nite City.

    Also: I think Female V is the way to go. I hated everything that came out of Male V's mouth from the trailers, but I genuinely find the female counterpart engaging. She's a shitbag, but you get the impression there's a lot more to her than she lets on.

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    #28  Edited By frytup
    @kemuri07 said:

    Also: I think Female V is the way to go. I hated everything that came out of Male V's mouth from the trailers, but I genuinely find the female counterpart engaging. She's a shitbag, but you get the impression there's a lot more to her than she lets on.

    Is there any difference between male/female V other than voice acting and appearance changes? I tried both for a bit and didn't see anything obvious.

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    #29  Edited By cikame

    I only have impressions from a couple of hours, am i still in the prologue? I chose Corpo and it feels like that was over in 5 minutes.
    Literally every face in the game so far is better than (female) V's, i would have preferred a better default or 3 good choices over being able to adjust my nose, the shooting is... well it's functional, stealth isn't anywhere near as enjoyable as in Deus Ex, i'm spending too long deciphering loot and item pop ups but that'll get easier with time, the hacking screen is a bit awkward, i can't really tell if anything i'm doing will benefit me or what effects hacking things will have, it's weird that skip dialogue is bound to crouch, DON'T CROUCH, also as far as i can tell the only way to open inventory is by pressing I but there's no option to rebind it, i levelled up and saw the skill tree and got massive anxiety, there are WAY too many categories, it's going to take me hours to read all that.
    I have a bug where trees and some other objects keep appearing through walls, i hate that there's no anti aliasing options, i assume they're forcing a TAA solution which blurs and smears and is messing with my eyes, the game actually looks quite ugly in motion (motion blur and film grain off), i saw someone t-posing which was pretty funny, mouse sensitivity options aren't granular enough, FOV option doesn't go high enough, i could bring up the dialogue which has been pretty uninteresting so far but i'm still really early.
    So how do i feel? It's fine, i expected most of this, this studio has never done a first person shooter or a Deus Ex style game before, i was never as impressed as others with the pre-release footage, the game is exactly what it looked like.
    Very early impressions.

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    @nedshead: oh yeah, the skip button thing. What's even worse it that it keeps blinking as it disappears for half a second between segments.

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    Playing on PS5. Everything's running smoothly, but graphics/textures themselves seem a little plain. I'm assuming the next gen patch will improve that. I have no idea what I'm doing gameplay-wise but I'm only a couple hours in, although I'm already thinking I should've picked Hard instead of Normal...

    My main issues are the head bob when running, which seems way too jarring, and the overall POV. Something about it is... different from other FPS games and it takes some getting used to. Maybe I'll disable the film grain and see how that goes.

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    #32  Edited By Gargantuan

    It's fun that people shit all over the dialogue system in Fallout 4 but it feels worse in CP. You have no idea what your character will say and you can't even pick the tone so you're stuck with playing a sarcastic asshole.

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    @frytup said:
    @kemuri07 said:

    Also: I think Female V is the way to go. I hated everything that came out of Male V's mouth from the trailers, but I genuinely find the female counterpart engaging. She's a shitbag, but you get the impression there's a lot more to her than she lets on.

    Is there any difference between male/female V other than voice acting and appearance changes? I tried both for a bit and didn't see anything obvious.

    Stat-wise, there doesn't seem to be. Writing-wise, I don't think there's any significant difference other than some characters responding to you in slightly different ways depending on which you picked.

    Playing on PS5. Everything's running smoothly, but graphics/textures themselves seem a little plain. I'm assuming the next gen patch will improve that. I have no idea what I'm doing gameplay-wise but I'm only a couple hours in, although I'm already thinking I should've picked Hard instead of Normal...

    My main issues are the head bob when running, which seems way too jarring, and the overall POV. Something about it is... different from other FPS games and it takes some getting used to. Maybe I'll disable the film grain and see how that goes.

    I don't know about the console version but there's a view bob option you can fiddle with on the PC version. I haven't messed with it personally but it might be worth looking for.

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    To anyone playing on PC who has similar specs (2070 Super, Ryzen 5 1600, 1440p monitor,16GB RAM) getting low frames like I was at the start try this:

    Everything high, but cascaded shadows on medium, distant shadows resolution low, screen space reflections and volumetric fog on ultra. Ray tracing off. DLSS set to balanced.

    Turn off all the effects: film grain, chromatic aberration, motion blur, depth of field, lens flare

    You can also use Nvidias geforce overlay to add sharpening (up to around 20) at no performance cost.

    Saw these guidelines posted on reddit after getting poor performance yesterday, now at 60-90fps and its much smoother.

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    #36  Edited By brian_

    Playing on PS5. Looks fine. Runs fine. But I'm having trouble getting invested in anything so far. I'm a few hours in, and I already feel overwhelmed by all the hacking abilities and weapons I'm constantly picking up that I'm already just ignoring a lot of it so that I don't have to think about it. Nothing in the story is particularly catching my interest either to the point where I'm already catching myself ignoring dialogue, having no idea what anyone just said about the dialogue option I chose.

    I think I might just put it down for now, finish up some other 2020 games instead, and wait for the PS5 version. It'll at least look better there, I assume.

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    @kemuri07 said:
    @pnutz83 said:

    Played 3 hours and IT IS AMAZING. Probably the best game ever made. INSANE!!!!!

    I mean...I like the game, but unless you've only ever played Fortnite...

    I don't get what you mean. I never played Fortnite but this game though. It's on a whole nother level. Played six hours now and haven't even done the first mission after the intro. So much to do and everything feels so rewarding. Just walking around is fun. looking at the large buildings, the traffic and all the people. I have prolly never felt this way about a gameworld before. It's so alive. No game have made a modern world feel this alive.

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    Playing on Xbox one. My initial impressions were REALLY bad.

    The origin story and most of act one felt really flat, looking at the game gave me a headache, and the combat was pretty much the worst kind of RPG shenanigans where enemies have stupidly high health pools and you plop magazine after magazine into them while chugging healing items.

    But, after turning off the visual effects I think the game looks pretty nice, and with the game set to easy combat feels pretty good. Its not the most involved thing in the world, but the guns look and sound great, and with enemies being less bullet spongy it all kind of works.

    The dialogue is still pretty bad, but the story picked up a lot of momentum at the end of act one and I'm interested in where the game will go from here. Combined with the fun sci fi setting I'm having a good time.

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    #39  Edited By colourful_hippie

    @robertforster said:

    @ares42: Yeah. I had the same reaction to the montage. I wanted to play it, not watch it. It was dumb.

    That montage was horrible and the music behind it was flat. It definitely felt only in service of skipping past proper introductions with your first fixer but I would have rather played through it.

    I think my biggest disappointment so far has been the music. It's just...bad and at best, generic synth. Maybe it improves later but the few times when the marketing had solid music ended up being misleading because it is not represented at all in the final product.

    @frytup said:
    @kemuri07 said:

    Also: I think Female V is the way to go. I hated everything that came out of Male V's mouth from the trailers, but I genuinely find the female counterpart engaging. She's a shitbag, but you get the impression there's a lot more to her than she lets on.

    Is there any difference between male/female V other than voice acting and appearance changes? I tried both for a bit and didn't see anything obvious.

    Nope, but I will say that I find the female voice actress to sound a lot better over the male option. I can see why some people may not like the sarcastic asshole route this character is going with but I think female V embodies the role perfectly.

    The other hang up in this game vs the marketing is that V really is his/her own character. Dialogue options are all within a specific avenue, you're not exactly making your own character here to roleplay as whoever. You're playing a very defined V for better or for worse.

    I just completed my first brain dance and I'm loving the voice acting so far. Very strong performances. Jackie continues to be weak though.

    Not really getting the complaints over a dead looking world. Most of the streets I've been walking through are PACKED with NPCs and car traffic is noticeably high.

    Also no new bugs to report. Surprisingly stable so far, knocks on wood

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    #40  Edited By Seikenfreak

    Was only able to play it a little bit last night. Saved when I got into the apartment for the first time, so kinda take this with a grain of salt but..

    Meh? It feels like I'm playing Fallout 3/4? The visuals (so far!) don't look anywhere near as good as the stuff I'm seeing in the trailer. I'm on a Ryzen 3900x + 2080ti. I guess you'd need the new 3080 hotness to get a clean image. Turned off film grain which helped a ton but still looks kinda grainy from the DLSS I guess. The settings appear to be on Ultra or close to it. Character customization felt a little lacking? In terms of like.. base model shape. Head shape. Body shape etc. I mentally started leaning towards like.. a cool asian cyber-badass angle.. and then it was like.. Oh, I guess all I can do is look like an average american joe with some asian-ish eyes.. /shrug

    No bugs/glitches yet I think. Overall, I went into the game with kinda low expectations. I hadn't watched any coverage of the game since that first gameplay footage from E3 a year or two ago. Didn't really follow it beyond that. Wasn't particularly excited for it. Fully expected it to be a buggy disaster like all of these crazy, sprawling, open ended, and cutting edge tech games tend to be.

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    @wootootee: I'm not sure if this is something everyone is getting but the day prior I watched Abby play this on her PS5 and everyone was extremely shiny. Both skin and prosthetic were very shiny as if everyone was made of plastic. I'm playing on PC and the characters aren't as shiny and their gleaming prosthetics.

    I'm about seven hours in and while I'm getting some visual bugs here and there I haven't gotten anything game breaking. I'm a bit bias since I feel like every major franchise should have a sequel that takes place in the future and I tend to like sci fi crime stories but I've been enjoying things so far. For better or worse it is Deus ExGTA with a healthy sprinkling of Fallout. I can see that being a huge red flag for some but the exploring and being a mercenary tourist in Night City is more or less doing it for me. This might be different as the game progresses but it feels like something is always going on nearby. A gun fight in progress or police cordoning off the aftermath of another that ended poorly. The world detail in some areas is denser than others. If you are exploring, there are areas that just seen to keep going where alleys turn into plazas turn into hallways through buildings brimming with life. Some areas are boring and seem to be sparsly populated. After a few side quests ill do the story quest which should take me through the first act which should take me to the "meat" of the game.

    I'm jumping between using mouse/keyboard and a controller and finding that it doesn't feel like the FPS shooting isn't tailored for pad but third person driving and normal hacking /speed hacking feels better on the controller.

    I like the characters so far. I think Jackie is a fun character taking on the role as your partner in crime. All the interactions so far with Night City's characters have been pretty good to okay. I think they really help give character to the world and flesh out what life is like here. The voice work on named characters imo had been very good to satisfactory. Non-named characters can feel like throw away lines. I've run head first into oncoming traffic and the line reads from drivers I've hit seem to be read by VO performers reading the line with out of the context of a car crash.

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    Playing on the PS4, probably only for 2-3 hours and have to say i'm disappointed.

    Graphics are like i'm playing on a PC with low settings for everything. Literally the first thing I saw was a bug as V looked in the mirror, not wearing a vest, only to look down at the vest they should bear wearing to pull off a patch. Within 15 minutes the game crashed completely, ironically right after Jackie asked if we were heading out....obviously not Jackie.

    Lots of random NPC's popping into scenes from out of nowhere. Clipping issues beyond belief with exterior objects cutting through the car. Jackie randomly teleported about 50 foot away from me, suddenly talking really quietly when were got out of a car. And probably my favourite, looking in the mirror in my apartment to notice V's pants were just gone in the reflection. At that point I turned it off.

    Both the driving and shooting feel basic and unimpressive.

    About the nicest thing I can say the game has going for it so far is good dialogue and a nice radio soundtrack. I'll play more, hopefully it'll win me over, but dam if it isn't disappointing to see a game everyone's been waiting so long for completely under-deliver in so many ways.

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    The game momentarily forgets that 21:9 is a thing after you die. Sure, the solution is to pause and un-pause, but that's a new one.

    Oh, and, because the menus are in 16:9, sometimes a dialogue box for turorials is cropped. So, those are two fixes for the 1% that I'm waiting for in addition to the more common shenanigans.

    I'm hoping that I can get a scenario where I can clip though a character's head close enough to only see their teeth and eyeballs. That shit gets me every time.

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    I've started hitting a bunch of bugs. I hit the Viktor bug from above, I have seen lots of visual issues including major clipping, and lots of Bethesda style weird physics stuff. If you load a save with dead bodies in the room you get to see them ragdoll back into position again. This feels straight Gamebryo (though nothing gamebreaking yet that I know of) and it's very disruptive for a game that takes itself so damn seriously.

    Also...I'm playing on an Xbox Series X so it's the Xbox One version and maybe this explains it, but the food looks awful in this game. Just straight up horrible. Normally this wouldn't matter but because this is a first person game and you're all up in everyone's grill these little things can be kind of distracting.

    I don't want to yuck everyone's yum, but having your neck replaced with a second head is a bold aesthetic choice, friendo.
    I don't want to yuck everyone's yum, but having your neck replaced with a second head is a bold aesthetic choice, friendo.

    Did you order this burger from the PlayStation 2 grill, m'lady?
    Did you order this burger from the PlayStation 2 grill, m'lady?

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    6 hours in and I'm ready to put this down and let it cook for another year. It's just a constant struggle of fighting technical issues and poor UX to enjoy the gameplay, and the gameplay so far just isn't worth it. I think I'd have a good time with it if it was smooth sailing at a buttery-smooth frame-rate, but that's just not what the game is now. I'm having a recurring bug where the entire games gets jittery, the frame-rate is very inconsistent (especially in combat), and the pixely grain-like filter on top of it is driving me crazy (I have disabled the film grain option). Going by CDPRs history though I'm sure they'll work on it, and over time this game will hopefully be able to deliver a good experience.

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    @bigsocrates: I don't know what intro you did but the streetkid version has someone sit next to you with just the most incredible shot of that weird ass burger and I was transfixed by it.

    Is this graphics? Is this the future of the burger?!

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    Man, that PS4 and Xbone version are rough. I don't subscribe to the whole "graphics downgrade" world and understand that video games change during development. But CDPR really are pushing the envelope on that front this time around.

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    Nomad has you start in a garage, quick fix a car, drive five feet to a radio tower, drive a little farther to meet jackie, go through a border crossing, scripted car chase and then it shows the intro montage. Also thought the montage was kinda weird of them to do.

    You know, I think the thing I'm most looking forward to with this game is that it's marketing/mind share success and Keanu's involvement will no doubt inspire or cause some studio execute to think "hey, we could make money on this.." and greenlight a Cyberpunk movie starring Keanu.

    Not that I know or care anything about whatever the real history of the Cyberpunk game is but because a big budget movie that looks like this game and has Keanu would be flippin awesome.

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    #49  Edited By Top8Gamer

    I've been playing for around 8 hours on Stadia and so far I am having a good time. I really like the progression system a lot. The world feels oddly dead and lifeless even though it is densely populated. Lots of buggy stuff going on if you look for it. People not having any issues are people who aren't looking for issues. I had the broken mission with Victor where I cut off his dialog short then couldn't progress like others have had. Lots of floating guns. I posted a lot in the discord channel for the game on the discord so I'll post the highlights here.

    The Ai is really bad especially when taking into account multiple people in your party like in the first real mission of the game. Look how the AI reacts to you.

    We got T poses.

    No Caption Provided

    A random assault mission I was on alerted reinforcements but they never showed up. Wonder where they went?

    Not a bug but this gun is extremely OP and enemies don't react to it at all.

    Your in cutscene character model seems to revert to a default white person even though I'm playing a person of color.

    No Caption Provided

    Not my skin color.

    No Caption Provided

    My skin color.

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    @efesell said:

    @bigsocrates: I don't know what intro you did but the streetkid version has someone sit next to you with just the most incredible shot of that weird ass burger and I was transfixed by it.

    Is this graphics? Is this the future of the burger?!

    I would like to remind both of you of the bacon egg and cheese biscuit (I think that's what it is?) at the beginning of Resident Evil 2. That's much better rendering of greasy, sloppy food.

    Anyway, the game itself is good. It's a culmination of the past decade of AAA open world game design, with a bit of latter-era Fallout character progression and a tiny sprinkling of Deus Ex, frosted with a Blade Runner aesthetic taken to the extreme. What it isn't is the second coming of Deus Ex; it is not a definitive cyberpunk masterpiece. It's really, honestly, truly nothing more and nothing less than a well put-together open world crime game. If you've got the hardware for the job, this game's visuals might make your jaw drop, otherwise it feels like it's just good entertainment.

    If you're on the fence, ask yourself this: Would you go buy a new GTA game if it came out today? Yes? Then this game is probably for you, provided you're OK with a buggy game. If you say no, then I'd advise you to wait for a sale.

    I do have three major complaints outside of graphics, though.

    1) Dialog. Do not give me dialog choices if all of them are roughly equivalent. V saying one asshole line and V saying another asshole line and getting the same response is garbage. There is choice in this game, and some of it seems to significantly change the outcome of a situation, but 90% of the time the dialog choices you make don't even change your tone of voice or what you're trying to get across. I don't need two variations on the same thing.

    2) Junk. Just don't let me pick it up. I don't care that there's a CD worth $2 laying on the ground. I'm tired of games where you do a five minute fight, spend five minutes sorting through junk on the ground, rinse, repeat. Just let me automatically pick up ammo, automatically pick up junk when I walk near it if it must be in the game, and only flag items of actual interest. If it doesn't mean anything to the mechanics, narrative, or worldbuilding, then it should be set-dressing.

    3) The hacking minigame. Can we all agree that hacking and lockpicking minigames almost always suck? I mean, Deus Ex HR and MD got it right, but I don't think anyone else ever has. Can I please just pass a skill check and move on?

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