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Giant Bomb Review


Doom Eternal Review

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It may not reach the sublime heights of its predecessor, but Doom Eternal is bursting at the seams with hellacious action.

Get ready to shoot this guy's arms off, a lot.
Get ready to shoot this guy's arms off, a lot.

There are a few reasons it took me three weeks to finish Doom Eternal, and not all of them are related to Doom Eternal, but then some of them are. This followup to id Software’s no-nonsense 2016 revamp of that most seminal first-person shooter franchise takes a more-is-more approach to building on the brutal elegance of its predecessor. That means more mobility, more demons, more weapon mods and upgrades, more resource management… The list could go on and on, and frankly it's hard to think of a single aspect of Doom 2016 that hasn't been absolutely red-lined in this sequel.

That kind of escalation is arguably appropriate for a franchise as over-the-top and self-awarely absurd as Doom, but there are just so many pistons and gears whirring away under the hood here that you sometimes start to feel them grinding against each other a little when the action heats up. But then, when all the machinery is humming along just right and everything works in harmony, Doom Eternal offers some of the most frantic and overwhelming shooter action in history.

The 2016 Doom reboot, or reimagining, or whatever you want to call it, left such a profound impression on me that I can't help filtering my thoughts about Eternal through a direct comparison. The sequel picks back up with the same template--shoot demons to kill them, chainsaw them when you need ammo, rip them in half when you need health, double-jump and mantle away from them when you need breathing room--and then builds outward in every conceivable direction. There's now a flamethrower that works for armor the way the chainsaw does for ammo. You get not one but two types of grenades, concussive and freeze, that you can rapidly toggle between. Your basic melee turns into an area-of-effect "blood punch" when you charge it up with enough of the health-yielding glory kills. All of these have meters and cooldowns to keep an eye on in the corners of the UI.

In addition, the two new elements that have the biggest impact on the flow of the combat are the double dash and the addition of weak points on heavier enemies that let you suppress their deadlier attacks. Much like the double jump, the dash lets you pop off two quick horizontal movements in any direction, on the ground or in the air, which has obvious implications for getting around the combat space quickly. And dealing with the weak points is crucial for threat management. Blowing off the mancubus' arm cannons or the back-mounted gun on the arachnotron, or shoving a sticky bomb down the gullet of a cacodemon, is an immediate priority whenever those enemies come on the scene, purely because of how dangerous those attacks are and how urgent it is to disable them as a result. Both of these are great ideas on paper that add to the variety of the action early on in the campaign (although the game does have a penchant for utilizing the air dash in occasional jumping puzzles that aren't really its strong suit).

The sheer range of interesting locales you'll visit far exceeds the last game.
The sheer range of interesting locales you'll visit far exceeds the last game.

This full loadout of new and old abilities offers you an amazing range of tactical options in a heavy firefight, and in an ideal setting, such as the Slayer Gate challenge arenas that constitute the purest and most intense combat sequences in the game, they lead to a level of intensity that's above and beyond possibly any other first-person shooter I've played. I honestly found myself short of breath at the end of a couple of the Slayer Gates, after 10 frantic minutes of feeling like I was just barely hanging on before finally eking out a victory. But at the speed Doom Eternal runs at, it can be easy to forget you have some of those abilities at your disposal, or lose track of which ones are off cooldown, when the game is forcing you to make one split-second decision after another. The dash is fantastic for getting you around an arena quickly, but you can also find yourself dashing back into a corner without meaning to and getting boxed in by enemies, or dashing into one of the many monkey bars scattered around the levels, accidentally diverting yourself midair. And quickly popping off those weak point shots becomes a matter of survival the more enemies the game throws at you, which can cause things to spin out of control rapidly when you miss more than a couple of times.

All this means that playing Doom Eternal felt like a series of highs and lows rather than the 20-plus-hour nonstop high I expected. At its best, the game is a breakneck, exhilarating, barely controllable dance of damage output, maneuvering, crowd control, and leapfrogging resource management, and it's so much fun when everything is working sublimely that it's all the more jarring when one aspect of it or another feels like it gets in the way. I suspect that some of this, especially the issue with weak points, comes down to the way I played Doom Eternal, which was on a PlayStation 4 Pro on Ultra-Violence (i.e. hard). That's also how I played through Doom 2016, and I emerged from that experience confidently declaring it one of the best shooters ever made. So I felt I had to apply the same benchmark to Eternal, which in the last handful of hours felt tougher to play well on a controller than its predecessor. Analog sticks aren't as well suited as a mouse to nailing the small moving targets (including literal headshots in a late-game boss fight) that you need to hit reliably to survive, and there are so many abilities and toggles mapped to face buttons that taking your thumbs off the sticks at the wrong time, and thus losing the ability to move or aim or both for even a split second, can be flat out deadly late in the game. That's hardly to say Eternal is unplayable on consoles, but I just felt more at ease with the game's specific mechanics and requirements in the hours I spent playing it on PC, even on Nightmare. Frankly I can admire the audacity of making a shooter so demanding that it almost feels like it requires a mouse at higher difficulties, and in hindsight that's how I wish I'd played it, but at any rate it's something to be aware of depending on your choice of platform.

As gnarly body damage on demons goes, this game is pretty much best-in-class.
As gnarly body damage on demons goes, this game is pretty much best-in-class.

That's a lot of words about the pure combat experience of Doom Eternal, but there's a ton of other stuff built around that core action. There's now a hub area, which is a literal gothic-sci-fi castle floating in space, that you return to in between levels. This home base helps act as a wrapper for the game's numerous upgrade systems, which initially look like a lot to take in but are really no more complex or unmanageable than those in Doom 2016. Weapon mods (which there are more of) can still be upgraded and then put through mastery challenges to unlock their ultimate forms. Passive upgrades, which fall into two categories, enhance your movement, various damage resistances, grenade attributes, and so forth. And the runes from the previous game also return as a sort of perk system, letting you equip three really meaningful bonuses at any one time from a pool of things like a last-stand chance to regain some health when you "die," increased range on glory kills, and slowing down time when you use a weapon mod in the air. To the game's credit, as punishing and sometimes irksome as I found some of the later levels, it did force me to reexamine the rune loadout I had settled into using for most of the game, and changing things up there made a big difference in how I got through a couple of the rougher spots.

It still seems improbable even now, but somehow Doom 2016 had a hilariously self-aware story--about the corporate exploitation of Hell and the Doom guy's ferocious dispensation of divine justice--that felt like it walked a fine line between being extremely serious and not remotely serious. The key to that balance was the overt disdain the player character himself displayed for everything going on around him, but here, the Doom guy is a more willing and eager participant in a much wider ranging story that features demon priests, spectral warrior kings, a fallen interdimensional empire, and an array of other elements that feels like it's attempting to build up a quantity of elaborate, faux-Biblical lore. I did enjoy the game's take on the clash between Heaven and Hell and its unusual conception of a celestial host pulling strings behind the scenes, but what felt like a wry commentary on man's arrogance and greed in the first game has taken a backseat to straight up backstory here, an attempt to create something akin to a Doom cinematic universe which fills in some blanks from the previous game that I would have rather remained unfilled.

One way that Eternal certainly brings it just as strongly as the 2016 game did is in the sights and sounds. Where the previous game's setting was pretty much limited to a generic sci-fi facility, the red sands of Mars, and a couple of expeditions into Hell, Doom Eternal sends you all over the place to multiple hotspots on the demon-occupied Earth, several locations in the interdimensional outworld, and deep into the bowels of Hell's most insidious strongholds. Eternal's art design feels like it recognizes and embraces its adolescent roots, and some of the late-game levels in particular offer some really gnarly, fire-and-brimstone depictions of infernal human suffering that land somewhere between Milton and Iron Maiden. The graphical fidelity is still top notch and the game still runs smooth as butter, even on consoles, and I have to give special credit to the location-specific damage tech in this game. Having enemies take damage exactly where you shoot them might seem like old hat these days, but Doom Eternal takes it to such an absurd degree that it really stands out when you peel big, meaty chunks of flesh off the bigger enemies with every blast of the super shotgun, and by the time you're almost done with bruisers like the hell knight, they can half look like a bloody skeleton still chasing you around. Focusing on that kind of tech feels like another fun throwback to the days of shooter engine one-upmanship, when games like Soldier of Fortune II put that kind of thing right on the back of the box.

Mars probably had it coming anyway.
Mars probably had it coming anyway.

The previous Doom's multiplayer options were perfunctory at best, and here Eternal improves significantly with the new Battlemode, a round-based, asymmetric two-on-one versus mode with two players taking control of a demon, including the mancubus, revenant, and arch-vile, and the third playing as the Doom marine with his full bag of tricks from the campaign. Each demon type has a range of unique special abilities (some of which let you spawn other heavy demons in), and the arena is also populated with plenty of AI fodder enemies, which means the Doom guy player can really have their hands full. And both sides get to choose from a handful of perks as the rounds progress that enhance certain abilities or change the flow of combat. I found Battlemode more engaging playing as the Doom marine, though it seems like the more time you spent with the demons the more you'd get a feel for using their abilities to really muck things up for the third player. Throwing a couple of human players into the enemy mix is a clever way to further intensify the game's already complex and varied combat model, and I actually wouldn't mind going back to Battlemode now and then, which is more than I could say for Doom 2016's multiplayer.

One thing I can say without reservation about Doom Eternal is that it's ambitious as hell. The devs at id weren't content to just pop out a new set of levels with one new weapon and a couple of enemies (which, ironically, is how the original Doom II came about). Instead they included an enormous roster of new ideas both obvious and unexpected, and took these additions and enhancements to over-the-top extremes. Eternal may not have quite the same purity of focus as its predecessor, but it's so relentless about throwing everything in its toolbox at you at a thousand miles an hour that it's often hard to stop and notice.

Brad Shoemaker on Google+


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I have really been enjoying this game. The only part that I'm not a fan of is the Marauders and I just drop it down to easy when they show up. It doesn't feel good but easy is still a challenge, just not as demanding or punishing.

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Good review, Brad. While Doom Eternal is a good shooter, its not as polished and free flowing as Doom 2016 was. For me, its mainly because the game is setup in a Dark Souls kind of way, in terms of the gameplay mechanics. In Doom 2016, Doom Guy just mud stomped everything in his way and it was great. Yeah, there was still a challenge, but it never got overwhelming. In this game the battle areas can become too frantic, because now Doom Guy has to use tactical measures to pretty much kill every enemy, and slipping up once can lead to death. This is why I am playing the game in spurts, unlike Doom 2016 where I had to force myself to stop playing it after many hours in the campaign. I respect what they did, but in some ways, I wish they didn't. But everything else about the game is a step up from the 2016, so that is something positive.

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This game forces you to get good.

Choice 1: get good

Choice 2: die

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Excellent review, Brad!

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Edited By The_Nubster

Good review. But I just can't see the angle that the game doesn't hit as high a mark as Doom 2016.

2016 let you get away with just the SSG, and it had some fun writing around the edges. While Eternal doesn't hit the same mark with the writing, the gameplay itself is so far above and beyond any other FPS out there that it's obscene. I literally cannot imagine enjoying another first-person shooter to this degree in the near future. Playing the Cult Base master level and stomping Barons of Hell and Pain Elementals and a ton of other demons in the same arena without breaking a sweat, and then taking down a Maurader like he was a god damned chump, is hitting highs of pure-ass video gaming that I did not know were possible. It is a huge bummer that Eternal's writing is such a weird ret-con smash-up of the Doom lore but as a video game-ass video game, it achieves precision and excellence that should be celebrated to high hell.

The idea that the game pushes you into a corner with your dashing or that weak points dominate the flow of the combat is simply a result of inexperience. Having gone through the game twice on Ultra Violence and having 100%'d it, on a controller, I can say that these things are simply not true. if you're dashing into a corner, it's because the layout of the arena wasn't considered. If an enemy's weak point took up too much priority in the combat encounter, it's because prioritization wasn't correctly handled. No single weak point is worth foregoing other demons, and no one weak point is so effective as to warrant diverting all attention to it. An Arachnotron cannon can be countered with walls and verticality, a Cacodemon eating a grenade means one less grenade available to stagger Barons and Cyber Knights, a Revenant has such a small health pool that its cannons shouldn't eat up so much mindshare, etc. etc.

Every aspect of this game is so well-considered that any one wall you're hitting in combat, be it literal or figurative, can be overcome by taking a step back and reconsidering your approach. A lock-on missile barrage can take down a Slither-Snake-Fuck but it's also effective to use an ice grenade to deny them movement and give yourself space. The Ballista is incredibly effective at taking down Cacodemons and Pain Elementals, but a Meat Hook+SSG shot can stagger them and put you in an advantageous air position at the same time and significantly whittle their health down. Even a Maurader can be stunned beyond the regular counter, with a grenade or missile behind his back and then another weapon to follow-up with. Each enemy, in a vacuum, has a perfect play against it but the beauty of Doom Eternal is that it forces you to consider every viable alternative as you clear out the arena.

Eternal demands tactical consideration far beyond what 2016 ever expected of the player, and it is so much better for it. I hadn't even realized how much the game was teaching me until I swung back around for a second playthrough, and found myself absolutely obliterating combat arenas that previously left me the sort of breathless that Brad describes. It wasn't until then that I really felt like I was ripping and tearing.

Edit: also none of the boss fights demand headshots. Unless it's the gladiator, which I am still admittedly bad at.

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Thanks for the review, Brad. Seems like a lot of the crew has been pretty conflicted where this game is concerned, so it's nice to see someone's fully thought-out opinion on the matter.

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This is tagged as a switch game? Is it though?

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I wish doom eternal felt like an fps and not a QTE management sim. As one of the biggest doom nerds on this site this game became boring to me halfway through in a way I cant describe. I had no interest in bowing to ghosts or listening to exposition when the gameplay was just as boring in terms of rinse repeat. I wanna rocket jump and test my aim, not test my ability to react like a formula 1 driver. Give me back the rally car.

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Edited By CyrusRaven

Didn't realize you were gonna put words to this game. Cool! Good review Brad! Doom Eternal is definitely flawed but man when the combat clicks it clicks hard super intense.

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Edited By Charongreed

It's worth also noting that the first game did have two mutiplayer modes, because the first game had Snap Map where you could build your own levels, and which also included a fairly deep armor customization system. Eternal has skins, the vast majority of which are just palette swaps of the first armor, unless you want to grind out battle pass levels (which rewards more palette swaps) or join the Slayers Club, which is the most gross get-that-marketing-in-the-game shit I've seen in a while.

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@ht101 said:

I have really been enjoying this game. The only part that I'm not a fan of is the Marauders and I just drop it down to easy when they show up. It doesn't feel good but easy is still a challenge, just not as demanding or punishing.

Yeah they're definitely kind of the big stopping point for me in terms of difficulty. Would love to play it on Ultra Violence but I find Marauders difficult even on Hurt Me Plenty!

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@the_nubster: Couldn't agree more. Well said & thoughtfully worded. Eternal's gameplay sets a new benchmark for first-person shooters.

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Edited By militantfreudian

Great review, Brad. I wish this game had the wider appeal of the previous one. Eternal is definitely an ambitious game, but a messy one as a result; though I'll always take that over an iterative sequel. I keep coming back to the game, and I'm pretty sure at this point that I prefer it to even Doom 2016.

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Edited By colourful_hippie

This review was very cathartic for me as someone who fell head over heels for the previous game to the point of playing it on every console after finishing the PC version. I couldn't word my feelings about this game any better so I very much appreciate you putting this review together. Thanks, Brad.

I think Doom 2016 is a more perfect game than this one could ever have been because of it's streamlined focus but I completely agree that 'Id' should be commended for going all in on the scope of what the sequel should be even though they also threw in the kitchen sink into the mix. Honestly the biggest detriment of the "more is more" philosophy that this game has is in regards to the story. There was too much information filling in stuff I could have been better off not knowing and there was just so much lore that it felt like they were trying to stuff an entire Disney's MCU worth all into 1 game. No thanks.

@rorie: Hey rorie, if you want you can definitely just drop the difficulty the moment the maruader pops out and boost it back up to where you want it and finish the level without the game recognizing what you did. My finished playthrough still says finished on Ultra Violence. Marauder simply isn't worth it and is just akin to a fat turd that'll clog up your otherwise perfectly functioning plumbing.

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who owns the STAD version of this game

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5 stars for me easy, but the common critiques are understandable.

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Doom Eternal is probably the best FPS I've played since Halo: Reach. Doom Eternal feels like what would have happened if id had continued making Doom games in the vein of the first two games. Obviously, it looks much better than those games, but the hectic combat is spot-on. I preferred the story and tone of Doom (2016), but Eternal's gameplay and level design are so much better I couldn't imagine going back to the previous game.

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This is tagged as a switch game? Is it though?

Not yet, but it's going to be. I'm not sure if I'd want to play this game on a Switch though...

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@steveurkel: spot on with the F1 to rally car comparison.

Maybe it's my age showing but Doom 16's simplicity allowed for raw fps skill. Eternal's cooldown management on nightmare were too much for me personally.

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Great review, Brad. My experience with playing Doom Eternal has been largely the same so far. Mechanically, it's incredible but the focus on managing so many different meters and weapons while barrelling around at breakneck speed does occasionally push the needle from "intense, but fun" to "stressful" and I've found myself playing the game exclusively in short bursts, one level at a time before stopping to play or do something more relaxing.

I've also developed a strong disliking for the platforming sections that break up the gunfights. I don't mind level design that demands very precise sequences of jumps and dashes when it's just to unlock a 1-up or a secret, but having to do that almost every time I need to get to the next area gets old really fast. The satisfaction of winning a particularly challenging fight is immediately lost when I go hurtling into a pit of lava because I wasn't perfectly facing towards the wall I was supposed to grab on to at the end of an elaborate gymnastics routine.

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@dgtlty: it’s setting a solid 4/5 benchmark.

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I disagree with the score in general, because I think that this game is better than the first in every way outside of the story. So I would give it a 5. Having said that, Brad is such a great writer and I particularly love how anything I read of his I can hear in his voice. Glad you liked the game, Brad. Stay safe!

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Glad to see another review up on the website and another brilliant review @brad

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Already an all-time great game in my eyes .

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Edited By CptBedlam

Yeah, I enjoyed this a lot but Doom 2016 is overall more cohesive.

Agreed that Doom Eternal shits the bed with its attempt at lore and backstory. It's as if this game had completely different writers than 2016.

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Edited By fauxical

I beat it last week and had a lot of fun with it but I agree it didn't live up to the expectations that the original (2016) set but that really isn't necessarily a bad thing because there is definitely enough that fans of the 2016 reboot here should love and a few new things. Thank you for the review, Brad.

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Great review!

Combat of Eternal is so above every other FPS it amazes me. Even though "the loop" aka managing your resources is just too...short or frequent - you have to do it multiple times during every encounter, so by the end of the game I am a little bit tired of chainsawing etc. Also all these battle arenas during the campaign looks different from each other but God do they feel samey. That was so tiring.

Many other aspects like exploration and art are much better than previous game, but as a whole package I still prefer Doom 2016.

Personally, I love Marauder. He really challenge you, demands your attention and brings something different to the table. On the other hand, last bossfight is just bummer. Uninteresting bullet-sponge target mixed with ton of demons that don't let me deal with that boss. Annoying disappointment, I grabbed that sentinel armor happily and I feel no shame. So yep, Eternal is ups and downs for sure, but it is a great game nonetheless.

After finishing the campaign a tried Master Levels and they are awesome, eager for more of them in the future updates!

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Edited By EJ

I definitely agree with this review (also, great job, it is very well written!). The combat is very specific, and if you don't get into its groove you're probably gonna have a bad time. It clicked with me and there were times where playing it became a somewhat zen experience. There were just enough systems and powers and cool downs to keep my brain occupied in a pretty satisfying way. The differences in settings between the two games are really interesting. There are some levels in Doom Eternal that look downright garish, and while I assume it was done so intentionally, I think the previous game had a more cohesive art style. It just felt great and fresh to see a shooter try to shake up things in the gameplay department and largely succeed.

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@the_nubster: Thank you for your well written post. I agree wholeheartedly. The gameplay of Doom Eternal might put it at one of my top 10 of all time. It's that fun. Hell, last week I played through the cultist base master level twice in a row because it was just that much fun.

I'll also confess I never even beat Doom 2016. I burned out ~75% of the way through because I felt like the gameplay was getting a bit stale. Whereas with Eternal, I blazed through ultra violence, played the master levels a couple times, and now I'm into my playthrough on Nightmare.

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This is tagged as a switch game? Is it though?

Yeah it's coming out on the Switch. Probably at a lower resolution but it's still coming.

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Edited By Treefingers

Fantastic review, Brad. I hope we see more reviews from the crew - when they get a chance to really flesh out their thoughts, the reviews can be extremely illuminating.

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I quit playing about three or so hours in--just wasn't feeling it like I did Doom 2016. I'm hoping to sell it to somebody that might appreciate it more when this pandemic subsides.

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Great review, Brad! Always love read your writing.

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Glad to see a review from the Doom expert himself here. I've had a real roller coaster of an experience with the game, and four stars feels about right (I'm one level from the end now). I really do admire what they went for and want to say they shouldn't just return to what they did with the first Doom, but it'd be silly to dismiss a lot of smart criticism regarding the game by just saying "git gud." It's just a little too micro-management heavy in the end and just wears you out by about 2/3 through the game.

Also, I couldn't agree more with others saying the Marauders are where the game just kind of totally fell apart for me. I get what they were going for with them, but they forgot to actually make them fun to fight in the process. Whereas almost every fight rewards you for your ingenuity, the Marauders are just obnoxious fights repeating the same kiting pattern and hoping you stay within this magical distance where he'll give you a quarter of a second to actually attack, and then you need to repeat it 4-5 times to actually kill him, and god forbid you run out of double shotgun ammo. They really should patch the game to make the distancing more forgiving and add about half a second to the window where they're vulnerable.

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I agree with some in the review but I believe this is a better overall game than DOOM 2016. The mix of precision with the rip and tear really did it for me with adding another layer of challenge over an already solid experience. Many of the enemies do have a strict progression to defeating them which once you know, does take away a lot of the challenge by the end. Still love both but would have to take Eternal over 2016. Great review Brad!

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Thank you for the Review, Brad! Well written.

I'm still chugging along with Doom Eternal. Every real encounter is a wall. But the walls keep falling. I've gotten to like the sticky bomb shottie, and it is just a matter of processing each frame of situation as well as retreat or attack, what combo of weapon usage, health amour, ammo etc. It is slowly becoming a Feel. I'm a little past asking why it isn't Doom 2016 (though with the usual incremental additions, that would have been fine) and accepting it on it's own terms. And though I have to more...or less, as I get into the game, keep replaying Ugly F**ker Demon arenas, it's gotten back to being fun!

Kind of. Almost. It's keeping my interest.

My real complaint at the moment is a gawdamned flickering that occurs very occasionally. I just rebuilt my pc, and the game runs and looks splendidly on max settings. But that flickering drives me nuts.

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I feel like both Doom 2016 and Eternal are defined by that story in games Carmack quote. "Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important."

It's just that Doom 2016 is the perfect example of why that's wrong, yet Eternal may as well be why he said it in the first place. Eternal feels exactly like that old methodology of FPS design that every review would sum up as "game's incredible and the story's easy to ignore." While 2016 was such a strong evolution from that, we now have this regressive disappointment that feels like it fell out of 2002. That's really harsh but also man does this game love its horrifically verbose codex entries and mountains of proper nouns. It's like a sloppy fantasy novel front-loaded with motivations and politics no reader's given a reason to care about.

Everything about this game is like a Dairy Queen ice cream cake. It looks incredible and delicious, yet you actually taste it and it's so bland and tedious to get through that you end up throwing it away. Environmental design? Looks incredible, but you read the backstory for any of the cool-ass shit you're seeing and it's so bad its not even funny. Ice cream cake. Gameplay? Super dense, fun, and complex, but so demanding that it takes a lot of effort to progress through the game to ultimately just be dissapointed time and time again. This is giving me brain freeze and no matter how good it looks on the surface, it actively sucks to eat. Trash Can.

Gameplay's fun, but this game doesn't have any heart, not like it used to anyway.

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Edited By doctordonkey

Fantastic review as always Brad, keep doing them!

For me this game is easily my favourite of the year and a personal 5/5, but I honestly wonder how much of that is tied to having played it on PC with a mouse at 144hz. After playing through 2 times, once on UV & once on Extra-Life Nightmare, I cannot fathom how I'd have managed to beat Nightmare on console. Granted, I don't play a ton of fps on controller, but it just seems like way to much going on for me. I cannot judge it from that perspective, but I can say after having played the shit out of 2016 on PC as well, Eternal is a better game than 2016 across the board from a gameplay standpoint.

In terms of the story in 2016 compared to Eternal, it's definitely more serious and not as tongue-in-cheek, and the cultish corporate speak in the codex is completely gone, which is a bummer. The UAC hologram lady is also way too on the nose, it was better in the e3 reveal, didn't have that demonic filter run through her voice. Hugo Martin said they were going for "Saturday morning cartoon" and I don't think they get there. They try but it ultimately takes itself too seriously to pull it off.

I did enjoy some of the codex entries, I don't think they are great or anything, but they're decent. The lore in the last third of the game is actually pretty interesting, and some of the implications with a certain character could be really cool in the next game, if they get it right.

If I could put it into words, I would say Eternal is what DMC3 was to DMC1. It's better, but it's going to alienate some people.

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Edited By Dreamfall31

Loved 2016. I can wait a year or so when this is $20 to play it. Sucks the story and tone seem to really be disappointing despite the fun gameplay.

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Edited By TensionHead

Great review. I largely agree with your take. It's so tightly wound around a plethora of systems that it's impressive that it works as often as it does, but I still feel like there's a lack of polish and refinement permeating the game in numerous ways to the point that it would be pedantic to list it all out here. Sometimes the game is exhausting in an exhilarating way, sometimes not.

That soundtrack kicks a ton of ass though, and the Slayer gates were incredible challenges (except that penultimate gate, which got completely punitive and was derailed by the Marauder, who always seems to ruin the flow of combat). Enemy variety was strong, the tools at my disposal seemed overwrought initially but by the end of the game I was enamored by the ludicrous pace and how it forced me to improvise novel solutions quickly, something I usually see in the best character action games, not shooters. That flamethrower is really great; when that neon green showers out of a cluster of demons, it's almost better than health.

The story? Woof. I have no idea how so much "lore" can lead to so little plot, such muted humor, no characters at all. It hurts the whole experience since there aren't many memorable set pieces or emotional moments pushing me through, just a series of great combat arenas punctuated by jumping puzzles. There was definitely a way to have narrative fun with a shitty 90s PC shooter aesthetic, but what they did here was certainly not it.

It's a shooter, at the end of the day. And it does that very well. I hope we see more efforts like this in the future, the genre could certainly build from what's here.

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It's not as consistently smooth as Doom 2016 but when everything clicks in combat OH MAN does this game get good. I'm excited to see what a Doom 3 will look like in 4-5 years.

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That's a shame that they went a different direction with the story.

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The game is great but yeah its not as good as 2016 by a mile. Like I still think I'd also give it 4/5 but Doom 2016 is one of my favorite games of all time so Doom Eternal just feels like a let down in comparison. I still really enjoyed my time with it though and looking forward to the next one. I didn't care for the story much as all in this one which is a huge bummer considering how fun the story was in 2016 Doom. I'll still probably replay this one though to check it out on a higher difficulty.

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Great review, really like reading these. Those jumping puzzles I can do without. Hope they take feedback and adjust DLC accordingly.

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I'm kinda curious if Jeff is going to write a review as well. Given how enthused he was at E3 about this game, I'd like to see if he still has that type of affinity for the game after playing through the finished version.

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@doctordonkey: I played with a controller and Doom Eternal is the best fps ive ever played . If your used to a controller in fps games , it's not a problem at all . And the frame rate was excellent on PS4.

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Remember a time when video game websites were driven by written reviews?

I remember.

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Good Review, still like the written ones! Wanna pick this up... after I beat DOOM (2016), on like the last 2 levels and just haven't polished them off yet! Super fun game and this one should be great too!