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Chineese Food

Chineese food is the bomb...there is just somthing about it that taste soooooooooooo good. Do you love Chineese food, and what type do you absoulutly love to the point were you cant even resist it ??? tell me


Pokemon Soul Silver : Friend Codes

  HEY [ to anyone that actually reads this ]
I own Pokemon Soul Silver, and I need people in my pal pad that are actually going to be on the Wi-Fi Club, my friend code info is below........PM me if you want to trade or just chat in the Wi-Fi club or need more info on this entry, and i will add you to my pal pad. thaks for reading
Player name - Resa
Friend code -  2764 4952 4643
Version - Soul Silver
{P.S. i will be on during the after noon about 4-6 eastern time}  


Pokemon Soul Silver : Friend Codes

 HEY [ to anyone that actually reads this ]
I own Pokemon Soul Silver, and I need people in my pal pad that are actually going to be on the Wi-Fi Club, my friend code info is below........PM me if you want to trade or just chat in the Wi-Fi club or need more info on this entry, and i will add you to my pal pad. thaks for reading
Player name - Resa
Friend code -  2764 4952 4643
Version - Soul Silver
{P.S. i will be on during the after noon about 4-6 eastern time}