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Average score of 7 user reviews

Rise of the Tomb Raider - A fun ride! 0

Rise of the Tomb Raider is a welcomed followup to this much deserved reboot of a trashy franchise. It starts strong, constantly evolves and does not overstay its welcome.I've always been a fan of Indiana Jones and wilderness survival so I was very happy to see this franchise rebooted with something a little more realistic then what came before. While it does not change the successful Uncharted formula too much, it tweaks it in just the right way to offer something palatable to a guy tiring of th...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Horizon Zero Dawn 0

Horizon Zero Dawn is a beautiful game with an incredible sense of detail; however it offers next to nothing new to the open world genre.Its hard for me to describe Horizon Zero Dawn without making a big boring list. If you're bored of the things on this list then you're probably going to have the same time I had with the game. You'll enjoy the beautiful graphics and art design, you'll enjoy the weak spot focused combat for the first 15 hours or so until you figure out how to cheese it, you'll e...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Simultaneously one of the Best and Worst Games of this Generation 0

If I had the option I'd give Destiny every Star out of Five rating I could because thats kind have how you need to look at this game. Its hard to pass judgement on it because a lot of the games fault's have less to do with the game itself and how it was/is being marketed, packaged and sold.Destiny has some of the tightest and most fun game play I've ever had in a shooter. When its running and the bullets are flying and the powers are moving and people are working together to pull of some tight m...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A depressing journey through a beloved Universe *Spoilers... if you care?* 0

So... the internet has already told you how bad this game is. I'm sure they've told you how disappointing and depressing it is too.This review is more about me I think... its the eulogy I needed to write on my way to recovering from my crushing disappointment.I love the Mass Effect Trilogy. I've played through those games almost every year since the day they were released a decade ago. Thats a long time, and a lot of Mass Effect.The Mass Effect Trilogy is kind of a unique experience, one I feel...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The Best of the Infinity Engine RPGs 0

Baldur's Gate II perfects almost all of the failings of its predecessor and delivers a memorable and spellbinding adventure well above and beyond its dollar value.Taking the almost perfect combat of the Original BG and refining it further, tweaking the classes, and adding a compelling reason to be killing monsters, hoarding loot and equipping exciting items, Baldur's Gate II earns its place as flagship RPG whenever people discuss the genre.While its almost impossible to match the fluidity and e...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Baldur's Gate - The birthplace of the modern RPG 0

I love RPG's and I love Dungeons and Dragons.Baldur's Gate is what you get when some nerdy game designers do their best to recreate the tabletop experience on a computer in the mid to late 90's.I think they did a pretty great job! The game plays beautifully, still holds up today and offers you an almost perfect opportunity to play the ACTION portion of a table top dungeons and dragons game.Where the game fails is in its story telling. The mechanics for telling a good story are there, the premis...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Knights of the Republic 2 - The Deconstruction of a Beloved Mythology 0

I'm a guy who loves his Star Wars.I'm also a guy that -as he grew older- became increasingly saddened that not a lot of Star Wars content matured and grew with me.Ultimately Star Wars is a family product, its meant to be enjoyed, collected and discussed between all ages and that is perfectly acceptable! My problem is that I cant help but feel that as a result of trying to make something for all ages a lot of Star Wars has sacrificed telling a complex and meaningful story. I'm not talking about s...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.