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3.7 stars

Average score of 3 user reviews

Zenonia fails to do anything special for the RPG genre. 0

Super Duper Mini Review Good: Despite the larger portrait images, the ingame sprites look slick.Nice and simple gameplay.  It's similar to Zelda.  Go around and hit A to hit things and gain levels while you do it.The different classes and the simplistic skill trees are neat for a downloadable RPG.Bad: Boring quests that we have seen in other RPGs.  Mostly kill X number of monsters.Forgettable characters that you have seen before.  Also, Regret is a terrible name for the main character.The story ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

In My Opinion, The Best RPG On Xbox 360 5

Blue Dragon is an RPG for the Xbox 360.  It was released on August 28th, 2007 (USA).  NTSC Box Art In my opinion , Blue Dragon is the best RPG on Xbox 360.  This game was also the first multi-disc game for Xbox 360 by being 3 discs long.  Here is the story in a nutshell:  Blue Dragon follows the story of five friends (Shu, Jiro, Kluke, Zola, and Marumaro) as they travel across the world to confront Nene, the evil king of the Grand Kingdom.  In this review I'm going to briefly talk about the gra...

3 out of 4 found this review helpful.

A Solid Entry In The Meteos Series 0

I'm a big fan of the Nintendo DS version of Meteos.  Once I first heard about an Xbox Live Arcade version coming out I was stoked about it.  After waiting for a few months the game finally released on Dec. 10th, 2008.  I had big expactations for this game.  Once I first got to the main menu, I was suprised how dull the menus were.  The DS menus were colorfull and moveable by using the DS Stylus. The music in the DS version was epic and quirky, which the XBLA game is a little dissapionting in the...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.