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This is too much the best time to be playing video games! Too many games!

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  • jaqen_hghar created a list 2024.
  • jaqen_hghar posted a message in the forum topic Has anyone been reading any good modern Sci-FI/Fantasy?. on the Off-Topic board

    If you want to read some fun sci-fi, the Bobiverse books are great. The first one is "We are Legion (We are Bob)".It's about a guy who sells his software company for a lot of money, retires and pays ...

  • jaqen_hghar created a list Game of the Year 2023.
  • jaqen_hghar posted a message in the forum topic Keeping up with the crew.. on the General Discussion board

    @undeadpool: I had to take a peek at the content warnings because this got me curious, and reading those makes it seem a lot worse than it really is. Like, way worse. Sure, those things are correct, ...

  • jaqen_hghar posted a message in the forum topic Keeping up with the crew.. on the General Discussion board

    Patrick is doing a lot of fun stuff with Cado and Rob over at Remap, I don't have time to watch all of it, but what I have seen has been great. Austin might be one of the most productive people I foll...

  • jaqen_hghar created a list 2023.
  • jaqen_hghar posted a message in the forum topic Supraland: 6 Inches Under is the 17th selection yr 2 of the UUGPGC! Finish by August 28, 2023! Spoilers open. on the Supraland Six Inches Under Forum board

    @zombiepie: The first Supraland surprised the hell out of me when I played it. I got it in a Humble Bundle, and had no idea what it was when I went into it. The people inhabiting the world are like Pl...

  • jaqen_hghar posted a message in the forum topic Remnant II Out of Stock Still. on the General Discussion board

    @remotesilver: That was what I was wondering. The one comment on another website I found was very like these comments here. Fascinating.

  • jaqen_hghar posted a message in the forum topic Remnant II Out of Stock Still. on the General Discussion board

    Just because I am curious, where do you see that people are complaining about digital keys being out on digital platforms? From what I can tell there is one other person complaining about not being a...

  • jaqen_hghar posted a message in the forum topic First Gameplay Impressions (no story spoilers). on the The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom board

    I am absolutely loving it so far. And one of the many reasons is the shift in atmosphere.In Breath of the Wild Link woke up in a post-apocalypse where the crisis that ended civilization just got mute...

  • jaqen_hghar posted a message in the forum topic New "Wo Long" demo is out, lets you carry progress to main game. on the Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty board

    @atheistpreacher: Yeah, it was the extra flasks. Didn't even say that it was sent to the inventory as I thought, just that I was full and all that. Realized it once I actually got one of the "Dragon V...

  • jaqen_hghar posted a message in the forum topic New "Wo Long" demo is out, lets you carry progress to main game. on the Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty board

    Pretty early on, some stuttering on PC, but I like it so far.On the first actual level I think after the tutorial level, and I saw that I looted something that was to be used to upgrade my healing fla...

  • jaqen_hghar posted a message in the forum topic Let's support and celebrate inclusive authors. on the Off-Topic board

    Not books or games, but Friends at the Table is a great actual play podcast that I guess most people here know about due to Austin Walker usually being the GM. A very diverse cast of wonderful people...

  • jaqen_hghar posted a message in the forum topic F*** Fandom aka F*** Capitalism go home.. on the General Discussion board

    I also ended the auto-renew on my subscription yesterday, though my subscription doesn't end until November. Been a member of the site since day one and subscriber since day one of those. I feel the ...

  • jaqen_hghar created a list Game of the Year 2022.
  • jaqen_hghar posted a message in the forum topic What's your end of the year Elden Ring play time?. on the General Discussion board

    @atheistpreacher:Yeah, one of my brothers played DEX and had a blast. I always play DEX in souls, so decided to mix it up. And since I started reading Berserk last year it was kind of inevitable that ...

  • jaqen_hghar posted a message in the forum topic What's your end of the year Elden Ring play time?. on the General Discussion board

    Steam says 165 hours, 42/42 achievements. Just waiting for DLC that isn't PVP DLC, then I'll probably start another new character and play through it again. Haven't done a DEX run yet!

  • jaqen_hghar created a list 2022.
  • jaqen_hghar posted a message in the forum topic The Metal Thread. on the Off-Topic board

    Recently wanted a game with rogue-like elements, loot, shooting and minimal story. Some searching lead me to Nightmare Reaper. It was perfect, and it had a damn good soundtrack as well. More people sh...