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It is kinda wild that with Rebirth now out (for two months already), PS5 doesn’t have any big exclusives coming until 2025. Of course it still gets most indie games and bigger third-party releases, so I could be playing those there *if* I didn’t have a PC, but I’d probably still be bummed out.

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Played it, finished it. Two really is identical to the first game when it comes to the gameplay and while the story was okay, it felt like a side story in a bigger game instead of being the premise of a whole game. I can’t say I was disappointed (my expectations weren’t sky high to begin with), but I also would’ve been perfectly happy if a sequel had never happened.

Visually? Yeah, it looks pretty and there were a couple of cool set pieces, but nothing blew me away. I’d rather be impressed by something abstract at this point instead of being able to count individual stones on a beach.

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Mega Drive (and PC) here. Despite Sega apparently dominating over in Europe, I’m pretty sure that everyone else that I knew had a Nes/Snes, so I never traded games with my buddies and only ever rented them.

Switch is the only Nintendo console I’ve ever owned (excluding Mini Snes), which I feel is a pretty good pick.

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With the game steadily getting its hooks deeper in me, I’ll def play a lot more this weekend than I did the last, so hopefully it does manage to stay up and running.

Already mentioned in the first post, but if technical issues get sorted out and there’ll be a steady-ish drip of content to keep players engaged, I could really see myself putting in a lot of hours. I’ve already played it for well worth the asking price, but I’ll gladly play more.

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Some of the music’s pretty nice, which isn’t a wonder because it’s done by Jesper Kyd.

I do have some nostalgia for MDK 2, though not nearly as much as for the first game, which has more of Shiny’s abstract dna in it. I used to enjoy the futuristic visuals and the verticality that some levels had, but I’m sure giving it a go now would be a different story than 24(!) years ago, so I’m not surprised that it didn’t work for you.

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#6  Edited By glots

Outside of this forum in general being more quiet than it used to be, I assume that the reason there’s no existing thread(s) for Helldivers 2 is that no one expected it to blow up like it did.

I only ever briefly played the first game, but I was still curious about the sequel, even when the lack of ”proper” single player portion did make it so that I wasn’t ready to jump on it at launch, especially with Banishers also launching a little while after it.

While I did enjoy Banishers a lot and had a great time spending my vacation playing it, I do regret a little that I only gave HD2 a go this past weekend. Even with all of its unfortunate server woes, I’ve had a blast playing it with people, even more so when I joined an established group instead of randos. Hell, even soloing some missions has been entertaining because of the very satisfying combat.

Assuming that the serves will be in a better shape and people remain interested, I could see myself putting in a lot of hours, which hasn’t happenend with a multiplayer game since…I don’t even know, Destiny/early Destiny 2?

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Almost beat this game at launch in multiplayer, but then the online started crumbling and we had to give in. Did not get around to trying it again, but hey, it was on GP so no big deal.

I liked the original cartoon as a kid, while those movies never did much for me, but since the whole vibe was so directly channelling the cartoon, I did enjoy it as a nostalgia trip and the gameplay was solid. Also stellar soundtrack!

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#8  Edited By glots


Horror game set in England (terrifying!), with classic survival horror gameplay. One of the few games I’ve helped to kickstart, interested to finally give it a try.

Outcast - A New Beginning

After almost 25 years, Outcast is finally getting a sequel *and* a demo. The original game is one of my favorite gaming experiences ever and while it’d be great to see a worthy sequel for it, I’m not sure if this is going to be it…but hey, at least there’s a demo (which is going live on the 5th)!

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Played this for about 20 hours and while I liked a number of things, I also ended up feeling very overwhelmed. I’m very glad that it didn’t put me off from trying other turn-based RPGs though, because Sea of Stars ended up being one of my favorite games this year.

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I think Sunset Overdrive might be the only AAA (console) exclusive that I really enjoyed and can recall having played on an Xbox platform, which is a bummer. Despite that, I’ve still owned both Xbone One and Xbox One X, as well as Series X now.

Admittedly Series X is a good console and I’ve played (and likely will play) a number of good multiplatform games on it, thanks to both Game Pass and my PC not being that powerful, but it’s still the least used console I own.