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  • garnsr posted a message on the post 834: REVENGEANCE.

    Is my premium membership that just autorenewed not even getting podcasts without ads now?

  • garnsr posted a message on the post S03E05: Sad-ellite.

    I thought they didn't find out Ed was a girl until towards the end of the series, I was surprised rewatching it recently that it happened so early. The live action version of Ed looked like she would ...

  • garnsr posted a message on the post Game Mess Mornings 09/20/23.

    An English person criticizing anyone's Japanese pronunciation is questionable.

  • garnsr posted a message on the post BatGrubb 01.

    Where is Dan moving to? How has he owned so many houses?

  • garnsr posted a message on the post Game Mess Mornings 07/12/23.

    Action movies go to too many different cities that we don't even pay attention to, to have adventures that rarely lead to anything more than a reason to go to another city. They have fights up stairs ...

  • garnsr posted a message on the post S03E01: Oh, those aren't bullets.

    I think Japanese actors tend to sound gruff all the time, and the characters sound more alike than English actors. I watch movies in Japanese, but shows with characters that you deal with over a long...

  • garnsr posted a message on the post Giant Bomb at Nite: Night 1.

    Years ago there were several night shows at GDC and E3 that were more existential about the show and state of games, then the last few years the shows were more just about games that the panel had see...

  • garnsr posted a message on the post S02E24: Glad we stuffed this podcast with magazines.

    I just watched Cowboy Bebop again for the first time since it ran on Cartoon Network 20 years ago, it still holds up. I thought the live action one wasn't so bad, either. I think their version of Ed d...

  • garnsr posted a message on the post Game Mess Mornings 06/01/23.

    I have my PS 2, 3, 4, and 5 boxes all together in a closet, along with PSP, Vita, and PSVR. If I hadn't moved across an ocean I'd probably have the PS 1 box, too, but I just packed the system into my...

  • garnsr posted a message on the post Game Mess Mornings 05/24/23.

    Do PSVR2 units sent to journalists and such count as "sold thru?" I don't know if I've heard of anyone actually buying one. I have the original PSVR without the HDR pass thru, so I was thinking about ...

  • garnsr posted a message on the post 790: MILE HIGH MUDSLIDE.

    @mach_go_go_go: I played the PS4 version on PS5 using the 9999 damage and battle aids, I think if I played it straight I wouldn't have liked it, the art is very weird on a modern system. FFVIII didn't...

  • garnsr posted a message on the post 790: MILE HIGH MUDSLIDE.

    I just beat Final Fantasy IX!

  • garnsr posted a message on the post Dan Went to Wrestlemania!.

    I have less interest in wrestling than probably anything else that comes up on podcasts I listen to, but this was mostly just Dan talking to people who happen to be wrestlers. Much more interesting th...

  • garnsr posted a message on the post 64.

    Was Ari-El Kal-El's mom?I don't think of mochi donuts as being light, but they are chewy.

  • garnsr posted a message on the post 783: Jesus Jesus Revolution.

    @bogard: Why is wrestling so tremendously uninteresting? Are there any other topics that so many people can't care less about that come up so much?Anime, maybe?

  • garnsr posted a message on the post S02E18: Boingo in the Box.

    Is John saying he sounds the same as Jeff saying fuck? And Tam and Lucy agree? It clearly sounds like "book" when John says it, but Tam sounds like he's using the same letters as Jeff. I think Michae...

  • garnsr posted a message on the post 58.

    I love dill pickles, but I can't stand cucumbers, the smell of my girlfriend cutting cucumbers across the apartment is terrible.