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#1  Edited By csl316

I still feel like PS5 not having full backwards compatibility is a missed opportunity. I still have my Playstations (including a launch PS3), but would love having everything on one system. Its back catalog is still one of those things that the Xbox can't match.

PS2 games are great, but their ambitions were sometimes a little too much (i.e. the original frame rate for Shadow of the Colossus). An FPS boost equivalent feature would be the dream, but if I can eventually play Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven on a modern system I'll be happy.

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SteamWorld Build. I didn't really like it much and almost uninstalled it. On my third attempt, though, it clicked and all of a sudden I needed a week to recover that lost sleep.

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#3  Edited By csl316

Lots of music stuff (Chris LT on Youtube). But I also like to exercise, movies and TV, hanging out with friends, reading. Basically the same stuff I've always done.

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#4  Edited By csl316

Media is such a weird industry. When the internet became a thing I figured we'd have a big change. But I didn't expect big changes every few years after that.

With games, especially, it went from articles to supplementary podcasts to video to streaming to more podcasts... enough to saturate the competitive landscape so everyone can find something that's specifically for them. So it's less about catering to everyone and more about finding your particular audience. Good for smaller outlets, bad for big traditional old ones.

I do miss the age of having definitive sources for stuff. But a lot of people now never really grew up with that. So SI is another legacy brand. I grew up with it, but it's been decades since I got any sports coverage from it. Especially when I can just load up Bleacher Report and scroll through the day's happenings right there.

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#5  Edited By csl316

Once Jason and Jess were let go, it was a miracle Jan was able to keep things going with video archives til he got some help.

But I've given up on stuff being uploaded here consistently. Which sucks, because I don't use Twitch and now I have constant ads on Youtube. What goes under Videos and what goes under Live on there? Who knows! I'll occasionally post on the forums or videos, but once Discord became the main place to go I sort of gave up on GB's community aspect, too.

In short, as someone that was on this site daily for the better part of 15 years, it's obviously a low priority now. So it's a low priority for me, too.

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#6  Edited By csl316

Oh dang, I didn't know it was out. Gotta go!

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Mike's cool, but he already has a gig.

I'll just join everyone in saying Jason would be such a heartwarming return (and if you're unaware, he's been doing Interactive Distractions with his old friends all year).

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#10  Edited By csl316

The multi-year Doom thread by @vaiz is one of my favorite dumb memories on this site.

Anyway, Doom rules. I enjoyed every game and think Doom: Eternal is one of the best FPS games ever made, especially with the climactic DLC.

If I play an old one, it'll be the first episode of the original. I still remember reading about it in EGM, but I didn't have a gaming PC so it lived on in my imagination until my friend brought over Final Doom on the Playstation. Later in college, I had a decent laptop and if I arrived early in class I'd just load up Doom and have a great start to the hour. These days, I have the game on the Xbox so I'll occasionally play a few levels on there.

Doom 2016 was an awesome return, but Eternal really zeroed in on what I liked and blew up the scope. I really enjoyed the gameplay loop and it's basically a perfect game on a technical level. Some of the most intense battles I've ever had in an FPS, with the tightest controls of any modern shooter. It established id as one of the best developers in the industry in my mind, again, even if it's all new people now. After playing the Quake II remaster, it just makes me hope for a big budget Quake reboot using the principles they learned.

Original Doom is one of the most important games ever made, and it's a series with a hell of a track record.