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Average score of 4 user reviews

Dumb-dumb-dumb-dumbdumb! 0

With every big movie released, there is inevitably a game released alongside it.  With very few exceptions these games are shallow, shameless rip – offs of popular games and used as a way to cash in on the movie when it reaches the peak of its popularity.  The problem with these tie-in games is that they are nearly always substandard and rushed onto store shelves.  Terminator Salvation fits all of these categories and then some.  It is just a shameless marketing ploy in an attempt to both drum u...

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2nd down, let's Blitz 0

A few years ago, Midway came up with Blitz: The League, a football arcade game that focused more on corrupt storylines, ridiculous hits and juicing up on the sidelines.  Blitz: The League II brings a whole new meaning to the term ‘big hits’ and turns hard tackles into gruesome looking tackles with equally gruesome injuries. Blitz II focuses heavily on the new campaign mode in which you play as a highly sought after rookie entering a fictional football league.  Your player starts off by declining...

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Been there done that. Oh look, a hole. 0

It’s 22 Century , and the country has been divided into two factions, the western half, known as the Pacificans, and the East Coast, known as the Atlantic Alliance.  What’s the reason for the split?  Global warming.  To deal with the rapidly changing climate, the Pacificans decided that they would start to genetically enhance their citizens by altering their DNA, whilst the Atlantic Alliance opted for cybernetic enhancements instead.  The Atlantic Alliance then decide that genetic enhancement s...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Much like real life, it's no WWE 0

For years, WWE has ruled the world of professional wrestling with an iron fist.  This has fallen over into the video gaming world and there has not been any competition for sometime now.  Enter TNA.  For those of you who are not die hard wrestling fans, TNA are a wrestling promotion based in Orlando, Florida who are the only company that come close to touching the WWE these days.  Thanks to the great folks at Midway, TNA decided to test WWE’s metal by releasing their own video game.  Unfortunat...

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