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Games I've Beaten That I'd Be Happy to LP/ER/Bombastica Some Day

So I've been tinkering with OBS (that would be Open Broadcaster Software, the freeware application of choice for would-be video streamers and LPers) and while streaming directly onto Twitch would be out of the question given my current internet speeds, I could see myself recording video footage with this thing to later upload onto YouTube or some such service. Obstacles abound with getting this done to any satisfactory degree of competency, of course, but to say that "video LPs are where LPs seem to be heading" would be to sound like you're from 2008. Probably ought to get with the times instead of sticking with all this bush league screenshot palaver. Probably.

While I'd probably concentrate on games I haven't yet played and could record my confusion in real-time for whomever might find that entertaining, there's a significant library of games that: A) I have plenty to say about, B) haven't already been extensively covered elsewhere, C) I would want to see get more recognition and D) I really only need the flimsiest of excuses to start playing again. This is a list of games that fulfill at least a couple of those criteria.

This is not a declaration of intent, I'll be quick to clarify, but rather something I'm putting together for future reference.

List items

  • My number one answer whenever asked what Giant Bomb should ER next. They won't, so I might beat them to it. Problem is, it's like 80 hours long.

  • I just need a reason to play it again. Best case scenario would be getting two friends to play/commentate with me.

  • Just the whole Quintet trilogy. I like Soul Blazer a lot, though, so it's not like I'll be suffering by wading through some dead weight for the sake of completion.

  • What I really want to cover, though, is Illusion of Gaia/Time with all its really silly and fanciful notions. A great game that would be fun to MST3k one's way through.

  • As would Mystic Quest, which is probably the Final Fantasy game people are least familiar with. The short answer for why that is is because it's not very good. It's a nice, short RPG that is so easy that there's no possible way I could look like an idiot while playing it. Might be called an idiot FOR playing it, though.

  • I adore Chibi Robo and, like so many of these games, I just need an excuse to replay it. Plus, raising its profile might convince Nintendo to finally localize the third game. Ah, if only I held that kind of sway. Maybe the Game Grumps can be convinced to cover it?

  • Start from the beginning, work my way through the first three games (from the HD compilation, naturally) and finish on the as-yet-unplayed-by-me fourth. That's four whole games I'd have no qualms about playing through from start to finish.

  • No-one played it, no-one really knows about it, it's short and interesting enough for an LP and it's still new enough that some attention could really help it out. Course, I'd need an El Gato or some such.

  • Sure, why not. Seems to have worked for others in the past. I'd probably play on my finished file and just waltz through the dungeon/fusing parts to get to those juicy Social Links and story beats.

  • I'd be doing a public service with this one, since it never saw a US release and really deserves to be seen. Just cray-cray.

  • I throw this in here as something to start myself off with. My impression is that it's a decent jumping off point for any neophyte Twitch stream guy person. After losing my save and not even touching its add-ons (which I've purchased), I'll want to get back to it for some reason some time.

  • Every LPer needs a horror game come Halloween, and this is the scariest and easiest to record. Probably a bit of a cop-out, but at least I know where to go. At least, I think I remember...

  • Heck, I probably have another 30-40 SNES games I'd want to highlight on top of those already here. Such a formative console for me, with so many hidden gems buried in that vast library of sterling first-party classics that everyone already knows about and regrettable licensed platformers we'd all be better off forgetting. Really, that's pretty much been the theme with Nintendo consoles since time immemorial.