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A few words about a friend who passed away, my N64. (Part 2)

If you don't know whats going on, check part 1.

There I was, sat in front of my tick sheet that had every single N64 game on it. I had hoped to collect them all, in the end I settled for just the PAL region. So all in all there was about 250 games, i was very excited. Over the next few months I would proceed to pick up a few games every week on Amazon, soon found out Amazon was not the best source for this so i ended up setting up an eBay account. It was easy at first, I as able to check out all of the good games that i wanted as a child but missed

Life was good for a while there, all of these games were like £5 or less, apart from Conkers Bad Fur day which I ended up getting for £35. Which was cheap for that game, it usually ran for £50. Paper Mario was the one I got a steal on, i got it in the box 100% complete for £50, that easily could have gone for double.

Being late to the party I suppose I didn't really get Ocarina of Time, I ended up thinking it was an ok game, not great but ok. I hated Diddy Kong racing, they added so many things that I just didn't like. Goldeneye was good, i still haven't finished it but it is a good game.

But then eventually I ran out of games that I wanted and forced myself to just buy any N64 game I could see. This ended in me getting a lot of bad games, some of them surprisingly fun but most of them just are some hot junk. By around November when I started picking up games for no reason I stopped. The games starting getting expensive and I just stopped caring. But I didn't put my N64 away, my N64 stayed out. Every so often I would go back and replay some of the games I played as a child, despite all of my new N64 games all I wanted to play was Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie etc. Since then I beat Banjo-Kazooie at least once a year that remains true to this very day.

Extra Life, I took part in Extra life this past Saturday, for those unaware its when you play video games for 24 hours. I had planned to spend the majority of it on my N64, I hoped to 100% both Banjo-Kazooie and Super Mario 64. So I woke up, played some Pokemon in bed, then jumped on to my N64. I first played a bit of Pokemon Snap, then some Doom 64. While playing Doom 64 the N64 turned itself off. I assumed there was a power cut or something, but nope everything else was still on. Then I thought it was the game but nope because the red light had turned off. I tried multiple games and multiple sockets.

My N64 had died.

I didn't really know how to feel, the N64 is the oldest piece of gaming technology that I own, I have a SNES but I bought that a few years ago. My N64 has had a great deal of play on it over the decade and a bit that I've had it. I never had any problems before, all of my old games are the original copies too so that copy of Banjo-Kazooie is the same one I bought with the original console. This put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day and ended up not finishing Extra Life. I ordered a new N64 a few days ago, it arrived last night. I will still be able to play all those N64 games, just not on my original N64.

So as I say goodbye to an old friend, I think about how excited I got when I first got it. And how a console never excited me the same way again, when I have children one day. This will be the console I show my children first, what better console to show them than my favourite console.