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Sometimes, I finish what I start!

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  • 4* Rolled credits with friends on second playthrough. This sort of rogue-ish thing will probably never be my real jam, but moment-to-moment gameplay and styyyyyyyle here saw me through.

  • 3* Didn't knock my socks off.

  • 4* Story is perhaps even more painfully dated than other entries in the series, which is saying something. But I sure was down for these silly open world antics. Jumpan' around for orbs and shit, finishing dumb side quests. Pretty good times.

  • 3* Bought in the panic period where PS3 shop was going to close. It's an interactive film/art piece. Gets a lot of mileage by being built by, and shouting out to, European demoscene/crack intro developers. Maybe half an hour of content here, but prices accordingly.

  • 3* As a fighting game it's fine. As an encapsulation of the grossest DLC tendencies of Capcom, it's a showpiece alongside stuff like Asura's Wrath. Gems just seem like fiddly bullshit, and I think it looks like a dog to boot. Still, I'd take it over any SF vs. MK garbo.

  • 4* As a bargain bin game in used shops it is a fine toy.

  • 3*

  • 4*

  • 4*

  • 4*

  • 2*

  • 5*

  • 4*

  • 4* But honestly an entire star of that is just for the novelty of the gameplay alone. There's a little brute force that's inherent to the design here, a Joy of Discovery sort of game.

  • 4* I can't honestly say I had a bad time, indeed the game had my wrapped attention from the jump. But I do see the criticism that the game's parry mechanic slows things to a crawl at times, particularly in the beginning. A balm which kept me from dumping $60 on Dread when the mood about it was the most rapturous.

  • 4* Rolled the Famicom cart a few times on both modes. What's not to like? it's damn near the canonical FC game.

  • 4* If anything this is a better Famicom launch game than Donkey Kong. Was genuinely impressed. Bluto is a surprisingly cunning and dynamic opponent for a game of this vintage. It's a single screen arcade game with three levels and once you've seen two cycles you've kinda seen it all, but it holds up very well.

  • 4* Mechanics light, for sure. But as a simple sketch of a wonderful awkward moment in time for two very different relationships it's a nice (and suitably brief) experience.

  • 4* A fairly soft 4. Parts of this game feel exhilarating, thoughtfully crafted and rewarding. Parts feel sloppy, accidental, and tedious as shit. Its bizarre setting and generally positive demeanor helped it a lot for me. There's apparently a ton more content after the credits rolled (a tad surprised when they did in fact) but I'm cutting my losses here.

  • 4* I didn't play a ton of 2021 games in 2021, and this probably winds up being the best of that list. Never have finished the first. Made me care about a bunch of old burners anyway. I will echo familiar gripes about ability mapping and some truly useless world maps. I found its treatment of mental health stuff a little shallow, but as a game targeted toward a younger audience that seems a strength.

  • 3* Extremely neat and cool, but merely "good". A tech demo ass physics game with some really thin end of 2001 plot as framing device. I've never seen a game bring my Xbox One X to its knees quite like this (bar Fallout 4, which still runs like shit six years later and after Microsoft bought the damn dev). 34 games beaten in 2021.

  • 4* I will go anywhere Cosmo D is willing to take me.

  • 5* Uneven maps, but the high points overshadow the low ones by a great deal. Being able to import the entire Hitman trilogy into this game's shell is just icing on the cake.

  • 6* An all time great.

  • 2* More like Global Ass.

  • 5*. One of the good N64 games.

  • 4* Splits the difference well between the simplicity of your Tecmo Bowls, and the depth of later games with much larger rosters and playbooks. Has a surprising amount of emergent gridiron football shit for a (MD/GEN) game of its vintage.

  • 3* A novel game concept, one which you should seek out if you have any interest as it will be partially broken in a few months and unavailable in less than a year.

  • 4* Honestly the price to game to vibes ratio of this and the other Buttefly games on 3DS is just right.

  • 4* A fairly challenging game involving precise use of a touch controlled calculator.

  • 4* There's a good chance I beat this as a child as I do have some memory of playing this at a bowling alley, but for good measure here it is done and dusted for sure. It's good!

  • 3* I like this a fair bit for a three star game. It has a story book, myth quality to it. Game's just a little to simple and repetitive for its own good, even if you really were to stretch it out over multiple sessions. Very easy Platinum trophy though.

  • 3* NBA 2K is ARMA for sports people, and I don't think this was Spike Lee's best or most inventive work. I have a better appreciation for the sport now?

  • 4* It's very good, maybe the best platformer on the Master System. The main issues are the single miserly continue, no (clearly listed online) level skip cheat business, and the meager twelve levels. You can finish the whole thing in well under an hour. You can say the same for something like Super Mario Bros. but you're likely doing level skips. This is twelve levels that you can blaze through once you've got your head around it.

  • 4* Some very basic mission design on display, but there's quite a bit of the franchise already here.

  • 5*+++ Well I finally unlocked everybody. Goddamn incredible PS1 game. Holy shit. Jesus.

  • 4* but a soft 4. I found some of the hunting around in this game to be a real pain in the ass.

  • 4* For a very small scale game, this is quite good. Makes me wanna check out more from Renegade Sector.

  • 3* A little flat?

  • 3* Some truly bullshit design towards the end; it's a damn arcade beat-em-up so no shit.

  • 3* Probably as good as it could have been. Zero substitute for a real gotdang jump button.

  • 4* It has Creepy, and it has Icky, and it has Silly. Hard to not like on at least one of those axes.

  • 3.9* I managed to die before I could do it myself, but my lord in Chengdu used my support to conquer enough of western China (after my conquest of modern Yunnan) to snowball to victory. I'm claiming that win as my own. This game has many menus.

  • 5* About as good of a 2D to 3D transition as one could want for Kirby. Just a very cute, very fun time throughout.

  • 4* It's Picross with motherfucking Alex Kidd.

  • 4* Absolutely incredible vibes. Maybe not so great hunting around for shit. But oh lordy the vibes. Last game of 2022. 25 games beaten in 2022. Hmm.

  • 4* First game beaten in 2023. What a mad cap, silly game. Every bit as ridiculous as you could hope. Manages to play with the fobbed off fictional space of Final Fantasy I in a way that actually enhances both games?

  • 4* Probably hit different for me as I grew up moving every few years and have had some difficult moves in the last decade. Easily digested in a few hours.

  • 4* A nifty story spread entirely too thin over an absolutely massive canvas. I like the canvas to an extent, but seeing everything in this game would take literally hundreds of hours. Certainly more good than bad.

  • 3* Great vibes, cool theme, has something to say, all that jazz. Just didn't really enjoy playing the game part of the game.

  • 4.99* Basically a 5 though. I am pretty sure I like this less than MGS2, and maybe less than MGS1. It's also very, very good. Most of the time.