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    New York City

    Location » linked to 702 games

    The city that never sleeps. Home to Times Square, Broadway, and the Empire State Building. It is the largest city in the United States.

    Short summary describing this location.

    New York City last edited by solidejake on 10/07/20 04:11PM View full history

    The Big Apple at twilight with the bright lights.
    The Big Apple at twilight with the bright lights.
    Times Square, home of the big New Year's Eve celebration!
    Times Square, home of the big New Year's Eve celebration!

    New York City consists of five boroughs, Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. The populations of the five contribute to approximately 8 million people total. Manhattan is the heart of it all, an eight mile long island which, besides central park (setting of Alone in the Dark 5) is a sprawling metropolis. Manhattan is a hub of restaurants, business, and for the most part, high living. However, there is also a high poverty rate in NYC, contrasting the glamorous lifestyle. NYC makes an ideal game setting, as its grand architectures and hundreds of different locations provide a dynamic experience of any person.


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