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  • A beautiful game with an emotionally meaningful story. Played through it with Amelie and we both loved it.

  • Was very surprised at how much I enjoyed this thing. I had skipped the last mainline RE game entirely and came into this one with zero expectations and it blew me away.

  • Never understood people who enjoyed Hitman games. I've tried a few and they always felt like they controlled terribly and were kind of boring to play on top of it. Somehow, this one clicked and I loved it. Not to the point that I replayed levels endlessly but enough that I got through the entire story while having a blast. I guess I get Hitman now.

  • I've tried Demon's Souls on every platform it's been released on and have always grown tired and quit within a few hours. I picked it up on the PS5 because there wasn't much on the console at the time and absolutely loved it. I'm pretty sure the thing that made it enjoyable for me was the drastically reduced (if not completely missing) load times. Being able to get right back into the game without a punishing load every time I died took away the biggest pain point and let me thoroughly enjoy this thing. I'm looking forward to checking out Bloodborne when it gets a fast load treatment!

  • A return to form for Metroid. It was great to play a solid 2D Castletroid game. I don't know that I want any more but what I had with this game was perfect.